Acronym | Definition |
FH➣Fachhochschule (German: University of applied science) |
FH➣First Half |
FH➣Funeral Home |
FH➣Forgotten Hope (Battlefield 1942 computer game modification) |
FH➣Family History |
FH➣Field Hockey |
FH➣Familial Hypercholesterolemia (genetic disorder) |
FH➣Fellowship Hall |
FH➣Full House |
FH➣Food for the Hungry |
FH➣Frequency Hopping |
FH➣FarmHouse (fraternity) |
FH➣Flat Head |
FH➣Ficoll-Hypaque |
FH➣Fermanagh (Ireland) |
FH➣Freedom House |
FH➣Friday Harbor (Washington) |
FH➣Faith Hill (musician) |
FH➣French Horn |
FH➣Future Husband |
FH➣Facial Hair |
FH➣File Header |
FH➣Fronthaul (shipping) |
FH➣Fetal Heart |
FH➣Fort Hood |
FH➣Fire Hydrant |
FH➣Family Housing |
FH➣Filter Housing (water and air filtration) |
FH➣Fundación contra El Hambre (Spanish: Hunger Foundation; Guatemala) |
FH➣Full Health (gaming) |
FH➣Field Howitzer |
FH➣Flight Hours |
FH➣Fort Huachuca (US Army installation in SE Arizona) |
FH➣Fumarate Hydratase |
FH➣Frank Herbert (author) |
FH➣Flying Hours |
FH➣Fleet Hospital |
FH➣Faehrtenhund |
FH➣Flex-Hose Co. (est. 1968) |
FH➣Fulton Hogan (New Zealand trucking company) |
FH➣Facteur Humain (French: Human Factor) |
FH➣Flag Hoist (US Navy) |
FH➣Fluor Hanford |
FH➣Fisherman's Horizon (Final Fantasy VIII game) |
FH➣Filter Hybrid |
FH➣Frame Handler |
FH➣Full-Hole Tool Joint (oil exploration) |
FH➣Functional Hierarchy |
FH➣Foot-Head (direction in medical imaging) |
FH➣Fédération de l'Horlogerie (French: Watchmaking Federation) |
FH➣Forest Headquarters |
FH➣French Hardness (degrees of water hardness in France, Switzerland, Italy) |
FH➣Fremde Heere (German Intelligence Evaluation Service, WWII) |
FH➣Functional Holography |
FH➣Fuzzy Hugs |
FH➣Forschungsinstitut an der Hochschule (German) |
FH➣Firing Incident |
FH➣French Havana (rabbit breed) |
FH➣Fundación Hernandiana |
FH➣Fundacion Hernandiana |