Acronym | Definition |
DTE➣Data Terminal Equipment |
DTE➣Direction des Temps de l'Enfant (French: Directorate of Children's Time) |
DTE➣Deutsche Telekom AG (German: German Telecom AG) |
DTE➣Down to Earth |
DTE➣Down To Earth (also known as International Campaign for Ecological Justice in Indonesia) |
DTE➣Dream the End (New York) |
DTE➣Dora the Explorer (cartoon) |
DTE➣Disable Transfer on Error |
DTE➣Dynamic Two Sector Encoding |
DTE➣Digital Trunk Equipment |
DTE➣Directorate of Technical Education (India) |
DTE➣Directie Toezicht Energie (The Netherlands Office of Energy Regulation) |
DTE➣Detroit Edison Co. |
DTE➣Dilatation-Torsion de l'Estomac (French: Dilatation and Torsion of the Stomach) |
DTE➣Development and Test Environment (various locations) |
DTE➣Drive to Excellence |
DTE➣Domain and Type Enforcement |
DTE➣Distance to Empty |
DTE➣Desktop Engineering (UK) |
DTE➣Data Transmission Equipment |
DTE➣Data Transformation Engine |
DTE➣Dumb Terminal Emulator |
DTE➣Display Technology Experience (Electrograph Systems) |
DTE➣Department of Telecommunications & Energy |
DTE➣Digital Terminal Equipment |
DTE➣Development Through Enterprise (World Resources Institute) |
DTE➣Digital Transmission Equipment |
DTE➣Data Transfer Equipment |
DTE➣Douaisis Technopole Environnement (French: Douaisis Technopole Environment) |
DTE➣Drift Team Ennemi (French: Enemy Drift Team) |
DTE➣Detect To Engage |
DTE➣Development Tools Environment (Microsoft Visual Studio) |
DTE➣Development, Test, Evaluation |
DTE➣Digital Terminating Equipment |
DTE➣Developmental Test & Evaluation (usually abbreviated as DT&E) |
DTE➣Desktop Test Environment |
DTE➣Digital Telephone Enabler |
DTE➣Disaster Temporary Employee (US FEMA) |
DTE➣Dial Telephone Exchange |
DTE➣Data Terminal Environment |
DTE➣Dynamic Technological Efficiency |
DTE➣Developmental Test Equipment |
DTE➣District Teacher Educator (Pakistan) |
DTE➣Digital Training Experiment (US Army) |
DTE➣Discharge Toxicity Evaluation |
DTE➣Department of Training and Education |
DTE➣Digital Transversal Equalizer |
DTE➣Distance To Endpoint |
DTE➣Desk Top Evaluation |
DTE➣Diecasting Toolings Engineering (Italy) |