Acronym | Definition |
CBW➣Chemical and Biological Weapons |
CBW➣Cincinnati Bell Wireless |
CBW➣Could Be Wrong |
CBW➣Chemical and Biological Warfare (US DoD) |
CBW➣Chesapeake Bay Watershed (various locations) |
CBW➣Could Be Worse |
CBW➣Command Block Wrapper |
CBW➣Channel Bandwidth (cellular technology) |
CBW➣Concrete Block Wall |
CBW➣Convert Byte to Word |
CBW➣Captive-Bred Wildlife (US FWS) |
CBW➣Community Based Worker (various organizations) |
CBW➣Central Bucks West |
CBW➣Crypt Breakers Workbench |
CBW➣Classic British Welcome (automobile show; France) |
CBW➣Customs Bonded Warehouse |
CBW➣China Business World |
CBW➣Catholic Book of Worship (Canada) |
CBW➣Computer Business Works |
CBW➣Come before Winter (ministry) |
CBW➣Crazy Bowls and Wraps (restaurant; Missouri and California) |
CBW➣Continuous Batch Washer |
CBW➣Chief Bottle Washer |
CBW➣Circuit Board Wiring |
CBW➣Computer Builders Warehouse (Madison Heights, MI) |
CBW➣Constant Bandwidth |
CBW➣Classroom Building West (University of Texas) |
CBW➣Current Body Weight |
CBW➣Community Bankers of Washington |
CBW➣Counter Balance Weight |
CBW➣Cellule Brabant Wallon (Belgian law enforcement) |
CBW➣Canadian Black Watch (gaming clan) |
CBW➣Crash Bandicoot Warped (game) |
CBW➣Continuous Butt Weld |
CBW➣Conscious Bodyworker (massage therapist) |
CBW➣Cold Beer and Wine (unregulated Canadian beer/wine store) |
CBW➣Court Bench Warrant |
CBW➣California Black Worm |
CBW➣Conformance Class |
CBW➣Custom Bionicle Wiki |
CBW➣Current Body Water |
CBW➣Calm Blue Water (Center Ossipee, NH) |
CBW➣Commercial Building Wrap (construction) |
CBW➣Cracks, Breaks or Welds (machinery) |