

单词 crl
释义 DictionarySeelength



Carnegie Representation Language.

Carnegie Group, Inc. Frame language derived from SRL.Written in Common LISP. Used in the product Knowledge Craft.



Abbreviation for crown-rump (length).


Abbreviation for:
Capital Resource Limit (Medspeak-UK)
cell repository line
Certificate Revocation List, see there (Medspeak-UK)
Certified Record Librarian
clinical reference library
crown-rump length


Abbreviation for crown-rump length.


Abbreviation for crown-rump length.


CRLCertificate Revocation List
CRLCenter for Responsible Lending
CRLCommunity Reference Laboratory (Dorset, UK)
CRLCenter for Research Libraries
CRLCentre Régional du Livre (French: Regional Book Center)
CRLClinical Reference Laboratory (Lenexa, KS)
CRLClinical Research Laboratories (various locations)
CRLComplete Response Letter (US FDA)
CRLCommunications Research Laboratory (Japan)
CRLCentre de Ressources en Langues (French: Language Resource Center)
CRLCentre Régional des Lettres (French: Regional Art Center)
CRLConsulting Radiologists, Ltd. (Minneapolis, MN)
CRLCommon Representation Language
CRLCore Reporting Level
CRLCommunications Research Laboratory
CRLCycle-Init Reverb Lockout
CRLCrown Rump Length (ultrasound fetal measurement)
CRLCenter for Research on Learning (University of Kansas)
CRLChina Resources Land (China Resources Group)
CRLChalk River Laboratories
CRLCertified Registered Locksmith
CRLCambridge Research Laboratory (Compaq)
CRLCancer Risk Level
CRLCustody Receipt Listing (US Air Force)
CRLContract Research Laboratory (various locations)
CRLCentre de Ressources Linguistiques (French: Center for Language Resources)
CRLCredit Risk Loan (finance)
CRLCurrent Rate of Load (shipping)
CRLChicago Rail Link
CRLContribution sur les Revenus de Locations (French: Rental Income Contribution; taxes)
CRLCoalition for Responsible Lending
CRLCeramics Research Laboratory (Nagoya Institute of Technology; Japan)
CRLCareer Resource Library
CRLCalifornia Redevelopment Law
CRLChemistry Research Laboratory
CRLCommon Runtime Library (computing)
CRLConsciousness Research Laboratory
CRLChalet Résidence Loisirs (French: Leisure Residence Chalet)
CRLCenter for Responsible Leadership (various locations)
CRLComputer Research Lab
CRLCentre de Réadaptation des Laryngectomisés (French rehabilitation center)
CRLCentro Retail Limited (Australia)
CRLCentral Regional Laboratory (EPA)
CRLCommon Runtime Language
CRLCanada Robotics Ltd. (British Columbia, Canada)
CRLCellule de Recherche en Linguistique (French)
CRLCountermeasure Readiness Levels
CRLCertified Reporting Limit
CRLCanons Regular of the Lateran (religious order)
CRLCountry Request Live
CRLCriminal Reference Letter (IRS)
CRLClinical Reference Library (database)
CRLComplete Reference Library (Mindscape)
CRLConventional Rotary Launcher
CRLCODA Readout Language
CRLConstruction Reference Line (engineering drawings)
CRLCOMSEC Requirements List
CRLCommercialization Readiness Level (NASA)
CRLCooperative Research Laboratory
CRLCoherent Reverse Link
CRLCricklewood Redevelopment Limited (UK)
CRLCable Running List (telecommunications)
CRLCommon Record Log
CRLChurngold Remediation Ltd
CRLCost Readiness Level (project cost estimation; US NASA)




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