Bechterew-Mendel reflex

Bech·te·rew-Men·del re·flex

(bek-ter'yĕv men'dĕl), plantar flexion of the toes caused by percussion of the dorsum of the foot; present in a pyramidal lesion. Synonym(s): dorsum pedis reflex, Mendel-Bechterew reflex

Bechterew-Mendel reflex

(bĕk′tə-rĕf-mĕn′dl, -rĕv-)n. Flexion of the toes caused by percussion of the upper surface of the foot.

Bech·te·rew-Men·del re·flex

(bek-ter'yev men'dĕl rē'fleks) Percussion of the dorsum of the foot causes flexion of the toes; present in a pyramidal lesion.
Synonym(s): Mendel-Bechterew reflex.

Bechterew, Vladimir Mikhailovich

, Bekhterev, Bechterev (bek'te-ref?) Russian neuropathologist, 1857–1927

Bechterew-Mendel reflex

See: Mendel-Bechterew reflex

Bechterew nucleus

Angular nucleus.

Bechterew reflex

1. Contraction of the facial muscles due to irritation of the nasal mucosa.2. Dilatation of the pupil on exposure to light.3. Contraction of the lower abdominal muscles when the skin on the inner thigh is stroked.