be chomping at the bit

be chomping at the bit

To be impatient and/or eager for something to happen or over some delay. Used to liken someone to an overexcited horse straining against its bit (the metal piece of the harness that fits between its jaws). I was chomping at the bit for the game to start. After two hours of waiting in the airport lobby, we were chomping at the bit to finally get on the plane.See also: bit, chomp

be ˌchamping/ˌchomping at the ˈbit

(also be ˌchafing at the bit more formal) be impatient to do or to start doing something: The players were champing at the bit as the start of the match was delayed.I know you’re chafing at the bit, so we’ll start as soon as we can. Champ and chomp mean to bite or eat something noisily. The bit is the piece of metal which goes in a horse’s mouth and is used to control the horse.See also: bit, champ, chomp