Becharof National Wildlife Refuge

Becharof National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:PO Box 277
King Salmon, AK 99613

Established: 1980.
Location:At the base of the Alaska Peninsula, 295 miles southwest of Anchorage, between Katmai National Park (see entry in national parks chapter) and Alaska Peninsula NWR (see separate entry).
Facilities:Visitor center (located in King Salmon near the airport).
Activities:Camping, boating, canoeing, salmon fishing, hiking, bear hunting, educational programs.
Special Features:The refuge is dominated by Becharof Lake, the second largest lake in Alaska. The lake and its tributaries contribute over ten million adult salmon annually to the Bristol Bay fishery. All five species of Pacific salmon inhabit the refuge, as do Arctic char and Arctic grayling.
Habitats: 1,157,000 million acres. Becharof Lake covers one-fourth of the total acreage, the rest is low rolling hills, tundra wetlands, volcanic peaks, and wilderness.
Access: Access to refuge lands is by small aircraft, boat or rugged cross country hiking; there are no roads. Refuge lands are open to the public at all times.
Wild life: Heavy concentrations of brown bear, as well as moose, migrating caribou, eagles, falcons, and salmon.

See other parks in Alaska.