

单词 cbt



abbreviation for 1. (Education) computer-based training 2. (Psychoanalysis) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
didattica assistita dal calcolatoreinsegnamento assistito dal calcolatore



Computer-Based Training


(Computer-Based Training) Using the computer for training and instruction. CBT programs are called "courseware" and provide interactive training sessions for all disciplines. Using graphics extensively, CBT was originally introduced on LaserDiscs, then CD-ROMs and, later, online. CBT courseware is typically developed with authoring languages that are designed to create interactive question/answer sessions. See MOOC, CMI and e-learning.



Abbreviation for cognitive-behavioral therapy.


Abbreviation for:
carotid body tumour
childhood brain tumour
Code Blue team
Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (Medspeak-UK)
cognitive behavioural therapy (Medspeak-UK)
cognitive bias test
competency-based training
computer-based training (Medspeak-UK)
cord blood transfusion
cord blood transplant
core body temperature


Abbreviation for cognitive behavioral therapy.


CBTComputer Based Training
CBTChicago Board of Trade
CBTComputer Based Tutorial
CBTCognitive-Behavioral Therapy
CBTComputer Based Training (US Air Force)
CBTComputer Based Test
CBTClosed Beta Test (software release phase)
CBTCock and Ball Torture
CBTCommunity Based Treatment (various locations)
CBTCenter for Biotechnology (various locations)
CBTCombating Terrorism (US DoD)
CBTCorporation Business Tax
CBTCompulsory Basic Training (motorcycles, UK)
CBTCommittee on Bible Translation (est. 1965)
CBTCancer Biology and Therapy (journal)
CBTCore-Based Tree
CBTCitizens Bank & Trust (various locations)
CBTCore Body Temperature
CBTComing Back Together
CBTCriminal Breach of Trust
CBTColumbia Basin Trust (British Columbia, Canada)
CBTCross-Border Trade
CBTComputer-Based Teaching
CBTCrossbar Technology (family of logic integrated circuits)
CBTClassic Battletech (gaming)
CBTCreditcard Blue Tooth
CBTCisco Bug Toolkit
CBTCore Based Tree
CBTChesapeake Bay Trust (est. 1985; Maryland)
CBTCincinnati Bell Telephone
CBTConfederação Brasileira de Tênis (Portuguese: Brazilian Tennis Confederation)
CBTCircuit Board Technology (electronics; various locations)
CBTCollege Basketball Talk (National Broadcasting Company)
CBTComplete Binary Tree
CBTChange Block Tracking (virtual machine storage)
CBTCommon Bridge Transporter
CBTComputer Based Terminal
CBTCampaign for Better Transport (Auckland, New Zealand)
CBTCadet Basic Training
CBTComic Book Archive (file extension)
CBTComponent Based Technology
CBTCode Based Testing
CBTC-Band Transponder (radar)
CBTCommunity Bank Technology (various companies)
CBTCount Basie Theater
CBTChildren's Book Trust (publishing company; India)
CBTChildren's Ballet Theater
CBTCompulsory Bike Test (motorcycle test in UK)
CBTCommonwealth Bank Trophy (Australian netball)
CBTContinuous Bronchodilator Therapy (respiration)
CBTCurrent Big Thing
CBTCommon Battery Terminal (US DoD)
CBTCarotid Body Tumors
CBTCertified Broadcast Technologist
CBTColorblindness, Tritan
CBTClayoquot Biosphere Trust
CBTCenter for Biochemical Technology (now Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology; India)
CBTClean Ballast Tank
CBTChild Bereavement Trust (now Child Bereavement Charity)
CBTChemical Biological Toxin
CBTCisco Broadband Troubleshooter
CBTCan't Be Touched
CBTCalifornia Business Technology, Inc. (Pleasanton, CA)
CBTCoulomb Blockade Thermometer
CBTCeneri Base Tunnel (Swiss railway tunnel)
CBTCement Bond Tool (cabling technology)
CBTChimie et Biochimie Théoriques (French: Theoretical Chemistry and Biochemistry; Henri Poincaré University; Nancy, France)
CBTCrossbar Transceiver
CBTCross Boundary Team
CBTCSP Backside Terminal
CBTCertified Baking Technologist
CBTCertified Belief Therapist (faith-based therapy)
CBTCity Business Trainee (London, England, UK)
CBTComptoir Belge de Télécommunications (French: Belgian Telecommunications Counter; Belgium)
CBTChaudière Basse Température (French: Low Temperature Boiler; energy systems)
CBTCustomer Branch Transformation
CBTCritical Business Testing (various companies; UK)




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