Acronym | Definition |
CBSA➣Core-Based Statistical Area |
CBSA➣Canada Border Services Agency |
CBSA➣Colorado BioScience Association |
CBSA➣Corporate Benefit Services of America |
CBSA➣College-Bound Student-Athlete |
CBSA➣Complex Biological Systems Alliance (global research consortium) |
CBSA➣Canadian Billiards & Snooker Association |
CBSA➣Canadian Blind Sports Association |
CBSA➣United Cricket Board of South Africa (sports governing body) |
CBSA➣Catholic Boarding Schools Associations |
CBSA➣Cargo Bay Stowage Assembly (NASA) |
CBSA➣Chlorobenzene-Sulfonic Acid |
CBSA➣Component Based Solution Assembly |
CBSA➣Credit Bureau Services Association |
CBSA➣California Bean Shippers Association |
CBSA➣Copper & Brass Servicenter Association, Inc. |
CBSA➣Canadian Babyfoot Soccer Association |
CBSA➣Center for Biological Sciences Archives |
CBSA➣Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna |
CBSA➣Columbia Basin Soaring Association |
CBSA➣Canadian Burn Survivors Association |
CBSA➣Chinese Business Student Association |
CBSA➣Center for Biomolecular Structure Analysis |
CBSA➣Centre de Bilan de Santé (French: Health Check Center; various locations) |