Acronym | Definition |
FNE➣France Nature Environnement (French environmental association) |
FNE➣Feature Name Extensions |
FNE➣File Name Extension |
FNE➣File Name Editor |
FNE➣Fear of Negative Evaluation (psychological assessment scale) |
FNE➣Fonds National pour l'Emploi (French: National Employment Fund) |
FNE➣Forensic Nurse Examiner |
FNE➣Fédération Neuchâteloise des Entrepreneurs (French: Neuchâtel Entrepreneurs Federation; Neuchâtel, Switzerland) |
FNE➣Fixed Network Equipment |
FNE➣Fear No Evil |
FNE➣First Night Effect |
FNE➣Framenet Explorer |
FNE➣Following Named Enlisted Personnel |
FNE➣Federation of North-American Explorers |
FNE➣Febrile Neutropenic Episode |