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erythrocyanosis erythrocyanosis [ĕ-rith″ro-si″ah-no´sis] coarsely mottled bluish or red discoloration on the lower limbs, especially of girls; thought to be a circulatory reaction to exposure to cold.e·ryth·ro·cy·a·no·sis (ĕ-rith'rō-sī'ă-nō'sis), A condition seen in girls and young women in which exposure of the limbs to cold causes them to become swollen and dusky red; it results from direct exposure to cold, but not freezing, temperatures. [erythro- + G. kyanos, blue, + -osis, condition] e·ryth·ro·cy·a·no·sis (ĕ-rith'rō-sī-ă-nō'sis) A condition seen in girls and young women in which exposure of the limbs to cold causes them to become swollen and dusky red; it results from direct exposure to cold, but not freezing, temperatures. [erythro- + G. kyanos, blue, + -osis, condition] |