释义 |
e·ryth·ro·blas·to·pe·ni·a (ĕ-rith'rō-blas'tō-pē'nē-ă), A primary deficiency of erythroblasts in bone marrow, seen in aplastic anemia. [erythroblast + G. penia, poverty] e·ryth·ro·blas·to·pe·ni·a (ĕ-rith'rō-blas-tō-pē'nē-ă) A primary deficiency of erythroblasts in bone marrow, seen in aplastic anemia. [erythroblast + G. penia, poverty]ErythroblastopeniaA deficiency in the cells that create red blood cells. This condition may be severe and life-threatening, but there is a transient form, seen in young children, which resolves spontaneously and does not recur.Mentioned in: Corticosteroids, Systemic |