

单词 cbr



(of weapons or warfare) abbreviation for (Military) chemical, bacteriological, or radiological
Noun1.CBR - (cosmology) the cooled remnant of the hot big bang that fills the entire universe and can be observed today with an average temperature of about 2.725 kelvinCMB, CMBR, cosmic background radiation, cosmic microwave background, cosmic microwave background radiationcosmogeny, cosmogony, cosmology - the branch of astrophysics that studies the origin and evolution and structure of the universecosmic radiation - radiation coming from outside the solar system



case based reasoning

California bearing ratio

A ratio used in determining the bearing capacity of a foundation; defined as the ratio of the force per unit area required to penetrate a soil mass with a 3 sq in. (19.4 sq cm) circular piston at the rate of 0.05 in. (1.27 mm) per min to the force required for corresponding penetration of a standard crushed-rock base material; usually determined at a penetration of 0.1 in. (2.54 mm).


(1) (Computer-Based Reference) Reference materials accessible by computer rather than print. For example, this encyclopedia.

(2) (Constant Bit Rate) A uniform transmission rate. For example, real-time voice and video traffic requires a CBR. In ATM, CBR guarantees bandwidth for the peak cell rate of the application.

(3) See case-based reasoning.
MedicalSeecase-based reasoning


CBRComic Book Resources
CBRConstant Bit Rate (ATM)
CBRConstant Bit Rate
CBRCase-Based Reasoning
CBRCommunity-Based Rehabilitation (disability)
CBRCertified Buyer Representative (real estate certification)
CBRCalifornia Bearing Ratio
CBRCenter for Bio-ethical Reform
CBRChampionship Bull Riding (TV show)
CBRCaptive Bead Ring (body piercing)
CBRCorrespondent Biased Relationship
CBRColumbia Basin Research (University of Washington)
CBRChemical, Biological, and Radiological
CBRComputer Business Review (publication)
CBRCleburne (Amtrak station code; Cleburne, TX)
CBRClinical Benefit Rate
CBRCord Blood Registry (Tucson, AZ)
CBRCentral Board of Revenue
CBRCentral Bank of Russia
CBRCentraal Bureau Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen
CBRContent Based Routing
CBRCrude Birth Rate
CBRCas before Ras
CBRCommitted Burst Rate
CBRControl Bus Register
CBRCluster Based Routing
CBRCenter for Brain Research (Vienna, Austria)
CBRCosmic Background Radiation
CBRCraft Beer Radio (Internet talk show)
CBRCase-Based Research (methodology)
CBRColégio Brasileiro de Radiologia (Brasil)
CBRChina Business Review (est. 1974)
CBRCross Border Region
CBRCalculator Based Ranger
CBRConstraint-Based Routing
CBRCenter for Bioenvironmental Research (Tulane and Xavier Universities, New Orleans, LA, USA)
CBRContinuous Bit Rate
CBRContent Based Retrieval
CBRCalakmul Biosphere Reserve (Mexico)
CBRCredit Bureau Report
CBRCanadian Bioinformatics Resource
CBRCapital Budget Request (various locations)
CBRCanadian Business Resource
CBRConsumer Bill of Rights (various locations)
CBRColorado Boys Ranch
CBRCorporation for Battery Recycling (various locations)
CBRChecklist-Based Reading
CBRComplement-Binding Reaction (microbiology)
CBRClient Business Review
CBRCould Be Run
CBRCommunity Based Restoration (various organizations)
CBRComplete Bed Rest
CBRConservador de Bienes Raices (Spanish)
CBRCounter Battery Radar
CBRCanberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia - Canberra (Airport Code)
CBRCompagnie Benjamin de Rothschild (French: Benjamin de Rothschild Company; Switzerland)
CBRComputer-Based Ranger (Texas Instruments)
CBRCantilever Barge Rig (oil drilling)
CBRChemins de Fer de la Banlieue de Reims (French: Railways of the Suburbs of Reims; Marne, France)
CBRCluster-Based Routing
CBRChronic Bedrest (symptom)
CBRCenter Barrel Replacement (Hornet aircraft; Australia)
CBRCarotid Bodies Resected (pulmonary disorders)
CBRChargeback Rate
CBRCarrier Baggage Voucher (shipping)
CBRCommunity Based Residence
CBRCall Blocking Rate
CBRChemical, Bacteriological, Radiological
CBRConcurrent Budget Resolution
CBRCentral Bank Reporting
CBRCanberra Airport - Australia
CBRCost, Benefit, Risk (analysis tool)
CBRCenter for Biodiversity Research (various universities)
CBRCâblerie du Bassin Rond (French: Round Basin Cabling)
CBRClient Billing Record
CBRCredit Balance Refund
CBRCapability-Based Restructuring
CBRCommercial Breeder Reactor
CBRCimenteries et Briquetteries Réunies (Belgian cement producer)
CBRContract Budget Report
CBRCorrespondence Batch Report
CBRCisco Brand Resale
CBRContract Baseline Rephasing
CBRCold Beer Racing
CBRCluster Bomb Rack (USAF B-52H)
CBRCustomer Belt Reject


  • noun

Synonyms for CBR

noun (cosmology) the cooled remnant of the hot big bang that fills the entire universe and can be observed today with an average temperature of about 2


  • CMB
  • CMBR
  • cosmic background radiation
  • cosmic microwave background
  • cosmic microwave background radiation

Related Words

  • cosmogeny
  • cosmogony
  • cosmology
  • cosmic radiation




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