

单词 cbl



Abbreviation for cobalamin.


CBLCommunity Based Learning
CBLChoice Based Lettings (UK housing)
CBLComputer Based Learning
CBLCarb Back Loading (dieting)
CBLCitrus Belt League (California)
CBLCollegiate Baseball League
CBLCasitas B-Lineage Lymphoma (genetics)
CBLChester Beatty Library (Dublin, Ireland)
CBLCalculator-Based Laboratory
CBLCobol File
CBLCheck Box List
CBLCapacitance Bit Line
CBLCommon Business Library
CBLColor Balance Lens (photography)
CBLComposite Block List (spam filtering)
CBLConvective Boundary Layer
CBLCement Bond Log (oil industry)
CBLConstitution and Bylaws (various organizations)
CBLChristian Business Leaders (various locations)
CBLCentral Bank of Liberia (Monrovia, Liberia)
CBLChemical Biology Laboratory
CBLCiudad Bolivar, Venezuela (Airport Code)
CBLCase Based Learning
CBLChina Baseball League (est. 2002)
CBLCOBOL Source Code (file name extension)
CBLCôte Basque Landes (French rugby club)
CBLCommercial Bill of Lading
CBLComputational Biology Laboratory (various locations)
CBLContinental Boundary Layer
CBLCentral Bank of Lesotho
CBLCommon Business Library (Veo Systems, Inc.)
CBLCentral Bank of Libya (est. 1956)
CBLComputer-Based Laboratory
CBLCreative Bible Lessons
CBLCarbon Based Lifeforms
CBLChina Basin Landing (San Francisco, CA)
CBLCore Business Line
CBLCharter Bus Lines (British Columbia)
CBLCommon Business Language (electronic commerce)
CBLClearstream Banking Luxembourg
CBLCome Back Later
CBLCanadian Baseball League
CBLClass-Based Language (computing)
CBLCape Cod Baseball League (Massachusetts)
CBLChina Blog List (est. 2002)
CBLConfederatie Bouw Limburg (Dutch: Limburg Construction Confederation; Limburg, Belgium)
CBLCheck Back Later
CBLConsortium for the Barcode of Life (DNA)
CBLCoors Brewers Limited
CBLContainerized Batch Laundry
CBLCarling Black Label (beer brand)
CBLCarver Branch Library (Austin, TX)
CBLCercle Bernard Lazare (French: Bernard Lazare Circle; est. 1954)
CBLChesapeake Bay Laboratory
CBLCompagnie Belfort Loisirs (French: Belfort Recreation Society; Belfort, France)
CBLClan Base Live (gaming)
CBLClub des Bactéries Lactiques (French: Lactic Acid Bacteria Club)
CBLCas-Br-M Murine Ecotropic Retroviral Transforming Sequence Homolog
CBLContract Bridge League
CBLCarrelages Bâtiment du Littoral (French: Coastal Building Tiles; Vallauris, France)
CBLCompare Bit Lines (signal)
CBLClub Biblique Lycéen (French: High School Bible Club)
CBLCarrefour du Bois Limousin (French: Crossroads of Wood Limousin; Limousin, France)
CBLCocoa Butter Lotion
CBLCross Border Link
CBLClub Badminton Lucon (Lucon, France)
CBLCurve Bottom Line
CBLCountry Business Leader
CBLConfiguration Breakdown List
CBLCephalic Blood Lacuna
CBLClear Bilaterally
CBLConemaugh and Black Lick Railroad Company
CBLConnective Boundary Layer
CBLConceptual Baseline
CBLClub de Badminton de Liancourt (French: Liancourt Badminton Club; Liancourt, France)




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