Concrete Placer
Concrete Placer
or concrete-placing machine, a construction machine used for receiving and distributing concrete mix during the course of concrete and reinforced-concrete work.
Concrete placers are differentiated as those that are used in the construction of concrete pavements for roads and airports, concrete foundations, floors for industrial buildings, and so forth and those that are used in the manufacture of precast reinforced-concrete components. Widely utilized in road building are concrete placers that move along “rail-forms” (rail tracks that simultaneously serve as forms for the concrete that is being placed). Concrete placers used on construction sites (usually automotive track-laying vehicles) are furnished with attachments to receive the concrete mix from the concrete-mixer trucks. Rotating belt conveyors are used to supply the concrete mix and distribute it within the forms. In manufacturing precast reinforced-concrete components the concrete mix is distributed through the forms either by moving the concrete placer along the formwork or by moving the forms under the concrete placer, which is stationary. Concrete placers may be fitted out with attachments for leveling the concrete mix, compacting it, and smoothing the surface of a formed product.
Levitskii, E. F., E. R. Pinus, and V. N. Khmelevskii. Sovremen-nye sredstva mekhanizatsii na stroitel’stve betonnykh pokrytii. Moscow, 1961.Volkov, L. A. Betonoukladochnye mashiny dlia proizvodstva izdelii iz sbornogo zhelezobetona. Moscow, 1968.