释义 |
concrete noun
concrete nouns vs. abstract nounsAll nouns serve to name a person, place, or thing. Depending on whether they name a tangible or an intangible thing, nouns are classed as being either concrete or abstract.Concrete nouns name people, places, animals, or things that are or were physically tangible—that is, they can or could be seen or touched, or have some physical properties. Abstract nouns, as their name implies, name intangible things, such as concepts, ideas, feelings, characteristics, attributes, etc.—you cannot see or touch these kinds of things.Continue reading...concrete noun n (Grammar) a noun that refers to a material object, as for example horse. Compare abstract noun con′crete noun′ n. a noun denoting something material and nonabstract, as chair, house, or automobile. Compare abstract noun. TranslationsEncyclopediaSeeNounThesaurusSeenoun |