Fillmore County
Fillmore County, Nebraska
Geneva, NE 68361
Phone: (402) 759-4931
Fax: (402) 759-4307
In southeastern NE, southwest of Lincoln; established Jan 26, 1856 from unorganized territory, organized 1871. Name Origin: For Millard Fillmore (1800-74), thirteenth U.S. president
Area (sq mi):: 576.62 (land 576.46; water 0.16) Population per square mile: 11.10
Population 2005: 6,385 State rank: 49 Population change: 2000-20005 -3.80%; 1990-2000 -6.60% Population 2000: 6,634 (White 97.10%; Black or African American 0.20%; Hispanic or Latino 1.70%; Asian 0.10%; Other 1.90%). Foreign born: 0.80%. Median age: 41.40
Income 2000: per capita $17,465; median household $35,162; Population below poverty level: 7.80% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $26,226-$28,974
Unemployment (2004): 3.40% Unemployment change (from 2000): 0.70% Median travel time to work: 15.70 minutes Working outside county of residence: 23.20%
See other counties in Nebraska.
Fillmore County, Minnesota
Preston, MN 55965
Phone: (507) 765-3356
Fax: (507) 765-4571
On the southeastern border of MN, southeast of Rochester; original county; established Mar 5, 1853 (prior to statehood). Name Origin: For Millard Fillmore (1800-74), thirteenth U.S. president
Area (sq mi):: 862.15 (land 861.25; water 0.90) Population per square mile: 24.80
Population 2005: 21,368 State rank: 45 Population change: 2000-20005 1.20%; 1990-2000 1.70% Population 2000: 21,122 (White 98.60%; Black or African American 0.20%; Hispanic or Latino 0.50%; Asian 0.10%; Other 0.80%). Foreign born: 0.80%. Median age: 39.80
Income 2000: per capita $17,067; median household $36,651; Population below poverty level: 10.10% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $23,559-$25,790
Unemployment (2004): 4.90% Unemployment change (from 2000): 0.80% Median travel time to work: 25.00 minutes Working outside county of residence: 37.00%
See other counties in Minnesota.