Acronym | Definition |
DNF➣Did Not Finish (racing) |
DNF➣.NET Framework (Microsoft) |
DNF➣Duke Nukem Forever |
DNF➣Do Not Fit (electronics) |
DNF➣Droits des Non Fumeurs (French: Non-Smokers Rights) |
DNF➣Dynamic Network Factory |
DNF➣Digital National Framework |
DNF➣Device not Found |
DNF➣Dandified Yum (software) |
DNF➣Do Not Forward |
DNF➣Digital National Framework (UK) |
DNF➣Dynamic Network Factory, Inc. |
DNF➣Deep Neck Flexor |
DNF➣Do Not Fix (software bug) |
DNF➣Do Not Freeze (USAP) |
DNF➣Dungeon and Fighter (video game) |
DNF➣Do Not Forget |
DNF➣Defense Nuclear Facilities |
DNF➣Deschutes National Forest (Oregon) |
DNF➣Does Not Follow (mathematical proofs) |
DNF➣Dominant-Negative Form (genetics) |
DNF➣Dynamic No Fins (swimming) |
DNF➣Direction Nationale des Formations (French: National Directorate of Training) |
DNF➣Do Not Fax |
DNF➣Domain Name Forum |
DNF➣Data Not Found |
DNF➣Digital Noise Filter |
DNF➣Danmarks Nationale Front (Danish: Denmark's National Front) |
DNF➣Disjunctive/Disjoint Normal Form |
DNF➣Down 'n Floundering (racing) |
DNF➣Second Disjunctive Normal Form |
DNF➣Domain Name Finder |
DNF➣Did Not Find |
DNF➣Does Not Function |