

单词 cbe



abbreviation for Commander of the (Order of the) British Empire


Commander of the Order of the British Empire.


CBECommander of the Order of the British Empire
CBECouncil of Biology Editors
CBECalgary Board of Education
CBECompetency Based Education
CBECentral Bank of Egypt
CBECollege of Business and Economics (various schools)
CBEClinical Breast Examination
CBEChemical and Biomolecular Engineering
CBECat-Back Exhaust (automotive exhaust system; various companies)
CBEComputer Based Examination
CBECenter for the Built Environment (University of California at Berkeley)
CBECenter for Business Ethics (various schools)
CBECommunities for a Better Environment
CBEChristians for Biblical Equality (Minneapolis, MN)
CBECocoa Butter Equivalent
CBEChemical Beam Epitaxy
CBECredit by Exam (various schools)
CBEChris Brown Entertainment (record label)
CBEChildbirth Educator
CBECommand Byte Enable
CBECard Bus Ethernet
CBECell Broadband Engine (trademark of IBM)
CBECertified Business Enterprise (various organizations)
CBEChanges Being Effected (US FDA regulatory term)
CBECentral Bucks East
CBECenter for Biofilm Engineering (Montana State University; Bozeman, MT)
CBECentre for Biomedical Engineering (various locations)
CBECommittee of Bar Examiners (California)
CBECommunity-Based Enterprise (various locations)
CBECouncil for Basic Education
CBECommunity-Based Ecotourism (various locations)
CBEComputer Based Education
CBECatholic Board of Education (various locations)
CBECurriculum Based Education
CBECustom Built Equipment (Ohio)
CBEClearblue Easy (fertility monitor)
CBECombined Book Exhibit
CBECell Broadcast Entity (telecommunications)
CBECollege Basketball Experience (Kansas City, MO; est. 2007)
CBEConvention sur le Brevet Européen (French: European Patent Convention; est. 1973)
CBEChief Bridge Engineer (railways)
CBEChemical Biochemical Engineering (various schools)
CBECenter for Biomedical Ethics (Case Western Reserve University)
CBECleveland Board of Education
CBECarbon Based Electronics (consortium; UK)
CBEConsequence-Based Engineering (various schools)
CBECertified Banyan Engineer
CBECurrent Best Estimate
CBECharacter-Building Experience
CBECross Bronx Expressway (New York City)
CBEChemical Binding Effect
CBECompanion of the Order of the British Empire
CBECarbon Black Export
CBECore Belief Engineering
CBEComité du Bassin d'Emploi (French: Basin Committee for Employment; various locations)
CBECumberland, MD, USA - Municipal (Airport Code)
CBECollectif Bar Européen (French: Bar European Collective; est. 2001)
CBECapability Based Environment
CBEChamber Business Enterprises (UK)
CBECommand Budget Estimate
CBECold Blooded Elites (online gaming clan)
CBECercle Biblique Évangélique (French: Evangelical Bible Circle; Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo)
CBEConstruction Bois Écologique (French: Ecological Wood Construction; Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon, France)
CBECollège des Bourgmestre et Échevins (French: College of Mayor and Aldermen; Belgium)
CBECompetitive Bidding Event
CBECenter for the Betterment of Education
CBEComputer Brokers Exchange
CBEComplete Blood Examination
CBECertified Broadcast Engineer
CBECheezy Beef Eaters (gaming clan)
CBECooper-Bessemer Corporation
CBEBase-Emitter Junction Capacitance
CBECalculated Best Estimate
CBEConnector Bracket Experiment
CBEConference of Business Economists
CBEComponent Boolean Expression
CBEClimatisation Bien Être (French: Air Conditioning Wellness; l'Union, France)
CBECesium Bombardment Engine
CBEClient Business Executive (various companies)
CBECompagnie des Bois Exotiques (French: Exotic Woods Company; Villeneuve-Loubet, France)
CBECollège Belle Étoile (French: College Stars; Montivilliers, France)
CBECorporation Bourguignonne des Étudiants (French: Burgundy Students Corporation; Burgundy, France)
CBECertified Bathroom Design Educator
CBEConsumer Buying Expectations survey
CBEContract Budget Estimate
CBECommercial Bid Evaluation
CBECircuit Board Extractor
CBECompression Bonding Encapsulation
CBEChavond-Barry Engineering Corp. (Blawenburg, NJ)




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