

单词 fnc
释义 DictionarySeesampling



Federal Networking Council



Abbreviation for:
Family Nurse Clinician
fatty nutritional cirrhosis
fine-needle cytology
full nursing care
funded nursing care


(sam'pling) The process of selecting a portion or part to represent the whole.

chorionic villus sampling

Abbreviation: CVS
A procedure for obtaining a sample of the chorionic villi. In one method, a catheter is inserted into the cervix and the outer portion of the membranes surrounding the fetus. Microscopic and chemical examination of the sample is useful in prenatal evaluation of the chromosomal, enzymatic, and DNA status of the fetus. CVS may be performed between gestational weeks 8 and 12 in women who are at high-risk for serious fetal chromosomal abnormalities.

Patient care

Ultrasonography precedes the CVS in order to identify the location of the fetus and placenta and to avoid injury. Based on ultrasonographic findings, the CVS is performed either through the vagina (with a speculum to visualize the cervix) or through the lower abdominal wall (with a needle). The patient is prepared in either case with sterile cleansing of the area. Her Rh status is determined, and Rh negative women are given Rh immunoglobulin after CVS. Many women experience cramping or pelvic pressure during the procedure. Potential complications include postprocedure bleeding, infection (chorioamnionitis), fetal injury, or miscarriage, which occurs after roughly 1% to 2% of CVS procedures. After CVS a friend, partner, spouse, or family member should drive the patient home. Activities should be limited for about 24 hr. Women affected by symptoms suggestive of complications should return promptly for follow-up care.

fetal scalp blood sampling

The process of obtaining a small amount of blood from the fetal scalp for pH testing. When the monitor recording suggests fetal compromise during labor, the physician or nurse-midwife may elect to perform this procedure. The normal finding for fetal pH is at or above 7.25. Findings between 7.20 and 7.24 indicate a preacidotic state; if the pH is below 7.20, acidosis is present.

fine-needle capillary sampling

Abbreviation: FNC
A means of obtaining cells from tissue by repeatedly entering the tissue with a small gauge (e.g. 27g) needle that is not attached to a syringe. The cells obtained in the needle tip are expelled onto a microscope slide for cytologic analysis. FNC is used, often along with fine-needle aspiration biopsy, in the evaluation of thyroid nodules. Synonym: fine-needle nonaspiration biopsy

percutaneous blood sampling

Abbreviation: PUBS

random sampling


fine-needle capillary sampling

Abbreviation: FNC
A means of obtaining cells from tissue by repeatedly entering the tissue with a small gauge (e.g. 27g) needle that is not attached to a syringe. The cells obtained in the needle tip are expelled onto a microscope slide for cytologic analysis. FNC is used, often along with fine-needle aspiration biopsy, in the evaluation of thyroid nodules. Synonym: fine-needle nonaspiration biopsySee also: sampling


FNCFnatic (eSports)
FNCFerritic Nitrocarburizing (chemical process)
FNCFestival du Nouveau Cinéma (French: Festival of New Cinema; Canada)
FNCFox News Channel
FNCFederal National Council (United Arab Emirates; est. 1971)
FNCFunded Nursing Care (UK)
FNCFarmers National Company (est. 1929)
FNCFunction Code
FNCFederal Networking Council
FNCFabula Nova Crystallis (Final Fantasy)
FNCFédération Nationale des Chasseurs (French: National Federation of Hunters)
FNCFédération Nationale de la Coiffure (French: National Federation of Hairdressing)
FNCFujitsu Network Communications
FNCFédération Nationale du Cheval (French: National Horse Federation)
FNCFédération Nationale des Combattants (French: National Federation of Fighters; Belgium)
FNCForme Normale Conjonctive (French: Conjunctive Normal Form)
FNCFederación Nacional Campesina (Spanish: National Peasant Federation; Paraguay)
FNCFish 'n' Chips
FNCFuture Naval Capability
FNCFabrique Nationale Carabine (French: assault rifle; Liège, Belgium)
FNCFriday Night Cranks (Twitter)
FNCFirst Nations Council (Canada)
FNCForeign Names Committee (BGN)
FNCFamilial Neonatal Convulsion (epilepsy)
FNCFunchal, Madeira Islands, Portugal - Funchal (Airport Code)
FNCFlorida National Cemetery
FNCFrazer-Nash Consultancy, Limited
FNCFiche de Non-Conformité (French: Non-Compliance Report)
FNCFamily Nurse Clinician
FNCFrogans Network Certificate
FNCFinancial Neural Computing (Oxford, MS)
FNCFederacion Nacional de Cafeteros de Columbia (Spanish: National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia)
FNCFacial Nerve Center (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center)
FNCFDMA Network Controller
FNCFreethinkers of Northern Colorado (Loveland, CO)




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