Economics, Journals of

Economics, Journals of


periodicals devoted to various aspects of economic theory and practice.

Prerevolutionary Russia. Before the advent of specialized economic journals in Russia, articles on economics were printed in general political and literary journals. Scholarly publications resembling journals of economics were issued under such titles as Trudy (Transactions) and Vedomosti (Bulletin) by various scholarly societies and economic institutions, for example, the Ministry of Finance, the State Bank, and the Ministry of State Domains. The first such publication was Trudy Vol’nogo ekonomicheskogo obshchestva (Transactions of the Free Economic Society; 1765).

In 1857, Ekonomicheskii ukazatel’ (The Economic Index) first appeared. It dealt with both practical problems of agriculture and commerce and theoretical problems of political economy, statistics, and finance. The journal devoted special attention to theoretical and practical problems pertaining to the economic development of Russia, for example, raising the technical level of production and increasing the level of consumption.

A list of some Russian journals of economics that were published in the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century follows.

Torgovyi sbornik (The Commercial Collection; 1864–73)

Vestnik finansov, promyshlennosti i torgovli (Journal of Finance, Industry, and Commerce; 1884–1917)

Russkoe ekonomicheskoe obozrenie (Russian Economic Review; 1897–1905)

Narodnoe khoziaistvo (The National Economy; 1900–05)

Kommercheskii mir (The Commercial World; 1906–09)

Promyshlennost’ i torgovlia (Industry and Commerce; 1908–17)

Torgovo-promyshlennoe obozrenie (Commercial and Industrial Review; 1908–12)

Vestnik kooperatsii (Journal of Cooperation; 1909–18)

Ekonomist Rossii (The Russian Economist; 1909–12)

Novyi ekonomist (The New Economist; 1913–17)

Promyshlennaia Rossiia (Industrial Russia; 1915–16)


Since the October Revolution. The first central Soviet journal of economics was Narodnoe khoziaistvo (The National Economy; 1918–22), an organ of the Supreme Council on the National Economy (VSNKh). It contained theoretical articles that summarized the experiment in socialist administration and the processes involved in the socialist reorganization of the economic system. The journal also printed surveys of the current state of the economic system as a whole and of its individual sectors, discussions and debates in the VSNKh and in its departments and commissions, decrees of the Council of People’s Commissars and of the VSNKh on economic matters, and the minutes and resolutions of congresses of the councils of the national economy. From 1920 to 1928, Vestnik truda (Journal of Labor) was published. An organ of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the journal dealt with the productivity of labor, the accounting of labor input and production output, labor conditions, wages, supply, the prices of consumer goods, and the everyday life of workers. Vestnik statistiki (Journal of Statistics), an organ of the Central Statistical Board, first appeared in 1919.

Problems of political economy, the methodology of economic science, and the most important problems of current economic policy received prominent coverage in the party press, especially in Bolshevik (The Bolshevik; since 1924), Vestnik sotsialisticheskoi akademii (Journal of the Socialist Academy; founded in 1922, issued from 1924 to 1935 under the title Vestnik kommunis-ticheskoi akademii [Journal of the Communist Academy]), Pod znamenem marksizma (Under the Banner of Marxism; 1922–44), and Sotsialisticheskoe khoziaistvo (The Socialist Economy; 1923–30). Planovoe khoziaistvo (The Planned Economy; since 1924, publication suspended from 1941 to 1944) and Vestnik promyshlennosti, torgovli i transporta (Journal of Industry, Trade, and Transport; 1922–26) were devoted to theoretical and practical problems of, for example, national economic planning, regulation, and price formation. Theoretical and practical problems of state finances, credit, and money circulation were considered in such journals as Vestnik finansov (Journal of Finance; 1922–30), Finansovye problemy planovogo khoziaistva (Financial Problems of the Planned Economy; 1922–30), and Finansy i narodnoe khoziaistvo (Finances and the National Economy; 1926–30). Ekonomicheskoe obozrenie (Economic Review; 1923–30), which was issued by the newspaper Ekonomicheskaia zhizn’ (Economic Life), dealt mainly with current economic policy and observations of market conditions.

In 1922, Ekonomist (The Economist) and Ekonomicheskoe vozrozhdenie Rossii (Economic Rebirth of Russia) were published for a short time. Economists maintaining essentially bourgeois-restorationist positions grouped around the two journals; as a result, the publications were shut down. In the 1920’s and 1930’s, several dozen economic journals were issued at various times in the Union republics other than the RSFSR. However, in most cases, such journals were short-lived, appearing for only one to two years.

In the 1920’s, together with central and republic journals of economics, a large number of local journals appeared. Such local journals were the organs of provincial executive committees, councils of the national economy, cooperatives, and trade unions. They included Ekonomicheskoe stroitel’stvo (Economic Construction; Moscow, 1922–30), Promyshlennost’ i torgovlia (Industry and Trade; Leningrad, 1922–26), Khoziaistvo Severo-Zapadnogo kraia (The Economy of the Northwestern Krai; Leningrad, 1924–27), Viatsko-Vetluzhskii krai (Viatka-Vetluga Krai; Viatka, 1925–28), Severnoe khoziaistvo (The Northern Economy; Arkhangel’sk, 1923–29), and Azovo-Chernomorskii krai (Azov-Black Sea Krai; Rostov-on-Don, 1922–35). Such journals printed information relating to local economic life and articles on the economics of agriculture, industry, and trade. They also published surveys of local market conditions and featured discussions of timely problems pertaining to labor payment, financing and crediting, management in local industry and trade, and the location of production.

In the late 1920’s and early 1930’s, the number of economic journals was reduced. The leading theoretical journal of economics in the period was Problemy ekonomiki (Problems of Economics, 1929–41); it was published by the Institute of Economics of the Communist Academy, and from 1936 by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Problems of economic construction in industry, trade, and credit and monetary relations during the industrialization of the national economy were discussed in such journals as Puti industrializatsii (Paths to Industrialization; 1928–31), Kredit i khozraschet (Credit and Profit-and-Loss Accounting; 1932–38), Khozraschet (Profit-and-Loss Accounting; 1931–32), Plan (The Plan; 1933–37), and SSSR na streike (The USSR Under Construction; 1930–41). Theoretical and practical problems of the transformation in agriculture were discussed in such journals as Na agrarnom fronte (On the Agrarian Front; 1925–35), Agrarnye problemy (Agrarian Problems; 1927–35), and Ekonomika sel’skogo khoziaistva (Agriculture Economics, since 1921).

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941–45, the publication of economic journals was virtually discontinued. After the war, the periodical literature on economics was quickly restored and enlarged.

In the mid-1970’s, various journals of economics were published in the USSR. Voprosy ekonomiki (Problems of Economics; since 1948) deals with problems of economic theory, primarily with the political economy of socialism. It contains theoretical articles and provides broad coverage of management problems of current interest. The political economy of socialism and of modern capitalism, the history of the national economy, and the history of economic thought are discussed in Ekonomicheskie nauki (Economic Sciences; since 1958), Izvestiia Akademii nauk SSSR: Seriia ekonomicheskaia (Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR: Economics Series, since 1970), Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta: Seriia 6Ekonomika (Journal of Moscow University: Series 6—Economics; since 1946), and Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta: Ekonomika, Filosofiia, Pravo (Journal of Leningrad University: Economics, Philosophy, Law; since 1946). Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia (World Economics and International Relations; since 1957) and SShAEkonomika, Politika, Ideologiia (The USA: Economics, Politics, Ideology; since 1970) deal with problems in the theory of monopoly capitalism.

Problems of current interest in national economic planning and economic problems pertaining to individual sectors or to all sectors of the national economy are considered in the following journals: Planovoe khoziaistvo (The Planned Economy; since 1924), Material’no-tekhnicheskoe snabzhenie (Material and Technical Supply; since 1966), Sotsialisticheskii trud (Socialist Labor; since 1956), Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody (Economics and Mathematical Methods; since 1965), Ekonomika i organizatsiia promyshlennogo proizvodstva (The Economics and Organization of Industrial Production; since 1970), Ekonomika stroitel’stva (Construction Economics; since 1959), Bukhgalterskii uchet (Accounting; since 1937), Vestnik statistiki (Journal of Statistics; since 1919), Den’gi i kredit (Money and Credit; since 1927), Finansy SSSR (Finances of the USSR; since 1926), Vneshniaia torgovlia (Foreign Trade; since 1921), Sovetskaia potrebitel’skaia kooperatsiia (Soviet Consumers’ Cooperative; since 1957), and Sovetskaia torgovlia (Soviet Trade; since 1927).

The following journals of economics are published in the Union republics: Ekonomika Sovetskoi Ukrainy (Economy of the Soviet Ukraine; Kiev, since 1958; in Russian and Ukrainian), Narodnoe khoziaistvo Kazakhstana (National Economy of Kazakhstan; Alma-Ata, since 1926), Liaudies ūkis (National Economy; Vilnius, since 1958), Izvestiia Akademii nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR: Seriia ekonomicheskikh nauk (Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR: Economic Sciences Series; Baku, since 1966; in Russian and Azerbaijani), Hayastanizhokhovrdakan tntesutyun (National Economy of Armenia; Yerevan; since 1957, in Armenian), and Ekonomika i zhizn’ (Economics and Life; Tashkent, since 1959).


Other socialist countries. A list of the leading journals of economics published in other socialist countries follows.

Bulgaria, People’s Republic of

Novo vreme (Sofia, since 1897)

Planovo stopanstvo (Sofia, since 1946)

Ikonomicheska misul (Sofia, since 1956)


Bohemia (Havana, since 1911)

Cuba socialista (Havana, since 1961)

Nuestra industria (Havana, since 1963)

Cuba noticias económicas (Havana, since 1965); English edition: Cuba Economic News

Economía y desarrollo (Havana, since 1970)

Czechoslovak Socialist Republic

Politická ekonomie (Prague, since 1953)

Plánované hospodářstvi (Prague, since 1948)

Ekonomický časopis (Bratislava, since 1953)

German Democratic Republic

Einheit (Berlin, since 1946)

Die Wirtschaft (Berlin, since 1946)

Wirtschaftswissenschaft (Berlin, since 1953)

Sozialistische Arbeitswissenschaft (Berlin, since 1957)

Sozialistische Finanzwirtschaft (Berlin, since 1947)

Statistische Praxis (Berlin, since 1946)

Fertigungstechnik und Betrieb (Berlin, since 1951)

Hungarian People’s Republic

Magyar statisztikai szemle: A központi statisztikai hivatal folyóirata (Budapest, since 1923)

Közgazdasági szemle (Budapest, since 1954)

Acta oeconomica (Budapest, since 1966)

Hungarian Economy (Budapest, since 1972)

Mongolian People’s Republic

Namyn am’dral (Ulan Bator, since 1923)

Ediin zasgiin asuudal (Ulan Bator, since 1959)

Polish People’s Republic

Ekonomista (Warsaw, since 1900)

Ruch prawniczy, ekonomiczny i socjologiczny (Poznań, since 1921)

Gospodarka planowa (Warsaw, since 1946)

Nove drogi (Warsaw, since 1947)

Rumania, Socialist Republic of

Revista de statistică (Bucharest, since 1952)

Revista economică (Bucharest, since 1974)

Finanţe şi credit (Bucharest, since 1955)

Vietnam, Socialist Republic of

Nghien Cuu Kinh-Te (Economic Research; Hanoi, since 1961)

Yugoslavia, Socialist Federal Republic of

Ekonomist (Belgrade, since 1948)

Ekonomska misao (Belgrade, since 1968)

Ekonomska revija (Ljubljana, since 1950)

Socijalizam (Belgrade, since 1958)

Naše teme (Zagreb, since 1957)

Capitalist countries. A list of the leading journals of economics published in capitalist countries follows.


The Economic Record (Melbourne, since 1925)


Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie (Vienna, since 1929)

Arbeit und Wirtschaft (Vienna, since 1923)

Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter (Vienna, since 1954)

Austrian Economic News (Vienna, since 1969)

Austrian Economy in Brief (Vienna, since 1974)


Comptes rendus des travaux de la société Royale d’Economie Politique de Belgique (Brussels, 1855–1964); since 1964 called Séances de la Société Royale d’Economie Politique de Belgique

Economische en sociaal tijdschrift (Antwerp, since 1947)

Etudes économiques (Mons, since 1925)

Mercure (Brussels, since 1944)


L’Actualité économique (Montreal, since 1925)

The Canadian Journal of Economics (Toronto, since 1968); supersedes The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science


Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift (Copenhagen, since 1873)

Økonomi og politik (Copenhagen, since 1927)

Økonomisk kronik (Copenhagen, since 1950)


Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja (Helsinki, since 1905)

Ekonomiska samfundets tidskrift (Helsinki, since 1913)

Kansallis-osake-pankki (Helsinki, since 1948)


Cahiers du communisme (Paris, since 1924)

Cote Desfossés (Paris, since 1825)

Revue économique française (Paris, since 1878)

Revue d’économiepolitique (Paris, since 1887)

Economie (Paris, since 1946)

Problèmes économiques (Paris, since 1948)

Germany, Federal Republic of

Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft (Tübingen, since 1844)

Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik (Stuttgart, since 1863)

Wirtschaftsdienst (Hamburg, since 1917)

Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung (Berlin [Steglitz], since 1925)

Europa-Archiv (Frankfurt am Main, since 1946)

Great Britain

Labour Monthly (London, since 1921)

Marxism Today (London, since 1957)

The Spectator (London, since 1828)

The Economist (London, since 1843)

The Economic Journal (London, since 1891)


Critica marxista (Rome, since 1963)

Politica ed economia (Rome, since 1970)

Giornale degli economisti e annali di economia (Milan, since 1875)

Industria (Milan, since 1886)

Rivista di politica económica (Rome, since 1911)


Economic Review (Kyoto, since 1915)

Quarterly Survey of Japanese Finance and Industry (Tokyo, founded 1949); now called Japanese Finance and Industry: Quarterly Survey

Osaka Economic Papers (Osaka, since 1952)

Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics (Tokyo, since 1960)

Japan Economic Journal (Tokyo, since 1963)


De Economist (Leiden, since 1852)

Economie (Tilburg, since 1935)

New Zealand

Economic News Bulletin (Wellington, since 1955)

Monthly Abstract of Statistics (Wellington, since 1914)


Statsøkonomisk tidsskrift (Oslo, since 1887)

Bedriftsøkonomen (Oslo, since 1938)

Sosialøkonomen (Oslo, since 1947)

Economics of Planning (Oslo, 1961–77)


Moneda y crédito (Madrid, since 1942)

Revista de economía política (Madrid, founded 1945); now called Revista de política economía

Boletín de estudios económicos (Bilbao, since 1942)


Swedish Journal of Economics (Stockholm, founded 1899); now called Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

Företagsekonomi bokförarenrevisorn (Göteborg, since 1921)

Ekonomen (Stockholm, since 1924)

Ekonomisk revy (Stockholm, since 1944)

Konjunkturläget (Stockholm, since 1960)

Ekonomiska läget (Stockholm, since 1949)

United States

Political Affairs (New York, since 1922)

Quarterly Journal of Economics (Cambridge, Mass., since 1886)

The Journal of Political Economy (Chicago, since 1892)

The American Economic Review (Nashville, Tenn., since 1911)

Monthly Labor Review (Washington, D.C., since 1915)

The American Journal of Economics and Sociology (New York, since 1941)

Developing countries. A list of the leading journals of economics published in developing countries follows.


Actividade econômica de Angola (Luanda, since 1935)


Económica (La Plata, since 1954)

Clarín económico (Buenos Aires, since 1960)


Pesquisa e planejamento econômico (Rio de Janeiro, since 1971)


Economía (Santiago, since 1940)

Cuadernos de economía (Santiago, since 1963)


Difusión económica (Guayaquil, since 1954)

Egypt, Arab Republic of

Economiste égyptien (Alexandria, since 1901)


The Economic Bulletin of Ghana (Accra, since 1957)


Indian Journal of Economics (Allahabad, since 1916)

The Indian Economic Review (Delhi, since 1952)

Economic Affairs (Calcutta, since 1956)


Arab Economist (Beirut, since 1969)


Investigación económica (Mexico City, since 1941)

Actividad económica (Mexico City, since 1974)


Bulletin économique et social du Maroc (Rabat, since 1933)


The Nigerian Journal of Economics and Social Studies (Ibadan, since 1959)


Tunisie économique (Tunis, since 1961)


Uganda Journal of Political Economy (Kampala, since 1977); from 1971 to 1977 called Uganda Economic Journal


Orientación económica (Caracas, since 1961).