Feed Mincer
Feed Mincer
a machine for grinding feed before it is given to livestock. The IGK-30A machine (output up to 3 tons per hr), which uses a rapidly rotating disk and a stationary concave with pins that split the straw along the fibers and grind it crosswise into a chafflike mass, is used in the USSR for grinding coarse feed, such as straw and cornstalks. Root crops, potato tubers, and bulk greens are ground and mixed in the Volgar’-5 mincer (output of 5–10 tons per hr). Its main working elements are a cutting device and a cutting drum with blades. The IS-2 silage mincer (output of 1.5–3.5 tons per hr) is designed for grinding green plants and root vegetables. Its blade converts the feed to fine cuttings; by installing a removable countercutting plate (a disk with holes), a pastelike mass can be produced. Other types of feed mincers are also used for grinding feeds, as are fodder mills, root cutters, crop cutters, vegetable graters, and other devices with cutting or grinding working parts.