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criteria Medtalk 1. A set of rules for assessing or categorizing a thing.2. A listing of the signs and symptoms of a disease. See Exclusion criteria, Harvard criteria, Inclusion/exclusion criteria, Initial peer review criteria, Light's criteria, Pittsburgh criteria, Release criteria, Sequestration criteria, Transfusion criteria, Witherspoon criteria.cri·te·ri·a (krī-tēr'ē-ă) Plural of criterioncriterion (kri-ter'e-on) ('e-a) plural.criteria [L. criterium fr Gr. kriterion, a means for judging] A standard or attribute for judging a condition or establishing a diagnosis.eligibility criterionEntry criterion.entry criterionAny of a patient's characteristics that make him or her a candidate for enrollment in a clinical trial of a new treatment or therapeutic device. Synonym: eligibility criterion; inclusion criterioninclusion criterionEntry criterion.Patient discussion about criteriaQ. what are the criteria for fibromyalgia. Am I affected by fibromyalgia? I am at a loss to conclude because many say different symptoms and signs of fibromyalgia. So what are the criteria for fibromyalgia?A. It’s always better to know the basic signs about a disease which will help us to take precaution. Regarding fibromyalgia a person can be diagnosed if they have the following signs and symptoms: pain in at least 11 different tender points. What are tender points? Tender points are areas along the skin that are painful to the touch and which overlie areas of joint and soft tissue pain. These tender points can be in the following areas: hips, knees, neck, shoulders, elbows and chest. They can also be on either side of the body. In addition to a specified number of tender points, an individual must also have had a long-term history of pain lasting for at least 3 months. Of course, symptoms that are typically associated with fibromyalgia also include muscle and joint stiffness upon awakening or after sitting in a fixed position for a prolonged length of time, headaches and facial pain (migraines, TMJ), sleep problems, memory lapses, confusion, digestive problems and mood disorders. More discussions about criteria |