

单词 erythema infectiosum

erythema infectiosum

erythema in·fec·ti·os·um

E0204850 (ĭn-fĕk′shē-ō′səm)n. See fifth disease.
[New Latin, infectious erythema.]

Erythema Infectiosum

Erythema Infectiosum


(also fifth disease), an infectious disease primarily of children between the ages of five and 12, characterized by an erythematous rash. The causative agent, which is unknown, presumably enters the body in droplets suspended in the air. The incubation period is one to two weeks. Red, raised, confluent spots appear on the cheeks. Eruptions then appear on the trunk and extensor surfaces of the limbs, where they coalesce to form indistinct erythema patches. They gradually disappear, leaving behind marmoreal markings after six to ten days. The patient’s general condition usually remains good.

See Erythema Infectiosum

erythema infectiosum


 [er″ĭ-the´mah] redness of the skin caused by congestion of the capillaries in the lower layers of the skin. It occurs with any skin injury, infection, or inflammation.erythema chro´nicum mi´grans a ring-shaped erythema due to the bite of a tick of the genus Ixodes; it begins as an erythematous plaque several weeks after the bite and spreads peripherally with central clearing. Often there are also systemic symptoms, including chills, fever, headache, vomiting, backache, and stiff neck. See also lyme disease.gyrate erythema (erythema gyra´tum) erythema multiforme characterized by the development of lesions that tend to migrate and spread peripherally with central clearing.erythema ab ig´ne permanent erythema produced by prolonged exposure to excessive nonburning heat. It is seen most often on the legs of women, but under appropriate environmental circumstances, it can occur anywhere on the body in either sex.erythema indura´tum a chronic necrotizing vasculitis, usually occurring on the calves of young women; see also bazin's disease.erythema infectio´sum a mild, self-limiting disease of childhood characterized by a lacelike skin rash symmetrically distributed on the hands, arms, and legs, with few or no other symptoms; occasionally there is a low grade fever, and the condition often clears up without specific treatment. The incubation period is six days to two weeks. This disease is contagious and originally was believed to be a form of rubella; because the rash can resemble that of scarlet fever and German measles, it is important to differentiate this mild condition from those more serious ones. Called also fifth disease.erythema margina´tum a type of erythema multiforme in which the reddened areas are disk-shaped, with elevated edges.erythema margina´tum rheuma´ticum a superficial, often asymptomatic, form of gyrate erythema associated with some cases of rheumatic fever, which is characterized by the presence on the trunk and extensor surfaces of the extremities of a transient eruption of flat to slightly indurated, nonscaling, and usually multiple lesions.erythema mi´grans geographic tongue.erythema multifor´me a symptom complex representing a reaction of the skin and mucous membranes secondary to various known, suspected, and unknown factors, including infections, ingestants, physical agents, malignancy, and pregnancy. The conditions in the complex are characterized by the sudden onset of a reddened macular, bullous, papular, or vesicular eruption, the characteristic lesion being the iris, bull's eye, or target lesion, which consists of a central papule with two or more concentric rings. The complex includes a mild self-limited mucocutaneous form (erythema multiforme minor) and a severe, sometimes fatal, multisystem form (stevens-johnson syndrome).erythema nodo´sum a type of panniculitis occurring usually as a hypersensitivity reaction to multiple provoking agents, including various infections, drugs, sarcoidosis, and certain enteropathies. It may also be of idiopathic origin. It most often affects young women and is characterized by the development of crops of transient, inflammatory, nonulcerating nodules that are usually tender, multiple, and bilateral, and most commonly located on the shins; the lesions involute slowly, leaving bruiselike patches without scarring. The acute disease is often associated with fever, malaise, and arthralgias. A chronic variant sometimes occurs without any serious associated systemic disease.toxic erythema (erythema tox´icum) a generalized erythematous or erythematomacular eruption due to administration of a drug or to bacterial or other toxins or associated with various systemic diseases.erythema tox´icum neonato´rum a benign, idiopathic, very common, generalized, transient eruption occurring in infants during the first week of life, usually consisting of small papules or pustules that become sterile, yellow-white, firm vesicles surrounded by an erythematous halo and some edema.

er·y·the·ma in·fec·ti·o·sum

a mild infectious exanthema of childhood characterized by an erythematous maculopapular eruption, resulting in a lacelike rash on the extremities and a "slapped cheek" appearance on the face. Fever and arthritis may also accompany infection; caused by Parvovirus B 19. Synonym(s): fifth disease

erythema infectiosum

(ĭn-fĕk′shē-ō′səm)n. See fifth disease.

erythema infectiosum

Fifth disease A childhood exanthema caused by the moderately contagious B19 parvovirus, so named as it was the 5th childhood disease typically accompanied by a rash Diff Dx The other nosologies often associated with rashes in childhood are rubella, measles, scarlet fever, and a mild, atypical variant of scarlet fever–Filatov-Dukes disease Clinical Low-grade fever, fatigue, “slapped cheeks rash”; 80% of adults have symmetrical arthritis which may become chronic with stiffness in the morning, redness and swelling; B19 can infect the fetus before birth. See B19.

er·y·the·ma in·fec·ti·o·sum

(er'i-thē'mă in-fek-shē-ō'sŭm) A mild infectious exanthema of childhood characterized by an erythematous maculopapular eruption, resulting in a lacelike facial rash or "slapped cheek" appearance. Fever and arthritis may also accompany infection; caused by parvovirus B 19.
Synonym(s): fifth disease.
[after measles, scarlet fever, rubella, and Filatov-Dukes disease]


Georg, German physician, 1860-1960. Sticker disease - a mild infectious exanthema of childhood caused by Parvovirus B19. Synonym(s): erythema infectiosum

er·y·the·ma in·fec·ti·o·sum

(er'i-thē'mă in-fek-shē-ō'sŭm) Mild infectious exanthema of childhood characterized by an erythematous maculopapular eruption, resulting in a lacelike rash on the extremities and a "slapped cheek" appearance on the face. Fever and arthritis may also accompany infection.
Synonym(s): fifth disease.

Patient discussion about erythema infectiosum

Q. fifth month of pregnancy... Hey guys, as always, just wanted to let you know my wife and I are getting into fifth. so far doing good and we have some news.......... we're gonna have a girl!!! I'm so happy.... now the name is actually the problem... is true that orange is the new pink??A. Thank you!! Can you share any tips for this time?? Happy new year by the way...

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