

单词 erysipeloid




E0204700 (ĕr′ĭ-sĭp′ə-loid′, îr′ə-)n. An acute infectious disease of humans caused by the bacterium Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae,usually contracted from contact with contaminated meat, fish, or shellfish and characterized by pain, swelling, and redness of the skin near the initial site of infection and sometimes by fever and joint pain.
[erysipel(as) + -oid.]


(ˌɛrɪˈsɪpɪˌlɔɪd) n (Pathology) an infective dermatitis mainly affecting the hands, characterized by inflammation and caused by the microorganism Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae on contaminated meat, poultry, or fish: most prevalent among fishermen and butchers




[‚er·ə′sip·ə‚lȯid] (medicine) A bacterial infection caused by Erysipelothrix rhuscopathiae and occurring on the hands of people who handle infected meat or fish.



an infectious skin disease of humans caused by swine erysipelas bacteria. Domestic animals (chiefly swine) and fish are the sources of infection. Infection occurs through injured skin, mainly as a result of handling meat and fish. Edema and purple-dark blue coloration of the skin develop within two or three days at the site of penetration of the causative agent and then spread, producing pain. In some cases the lymph nodes enlarge, the interphalangeal joints of the hands become affected, and the body temperature rises. The disease lasts two or three weeks; recurrences are possible.

Treatment includes the use of antibiotics, ultraviolet radiation, and ichthammol ointment. Preventive measures include taking care to avoid injuring the skin when handling meat or fish. If injury occurs, the affected area should be treated immediately with a disinfectant, such as iodine or aniline dyes.




 [er″ĭ-sip´ĕ-loid] 1. bacterial cellulitis due to infection with Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, usually occurring as an occupational disease associated with the handling of infected fish, shellfish, meat, or poultry. There are three forms: a usually self-limited, mild localized form manifested by an erythematous and painful swelling at the site of inoculation, which spreads peripherally with central clearing; a generalized or diffuse form, which may be accompanied by fever and arthritis symptoms and resolves spontaneously; and a rare and sometimes fatal systemic form associated with endocarditis.2. loosely, erysipelas like.


(er'i-sip'ĕ-loyd), A specific, usually self-limiting, cellulitis of the hand caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae; appears as a dusky erythema with diamondlike configuration of the skin at the site of a wound sustained in handling fish or meat and may become generalized, with plaques of erythema and bullae, and occasionally, severe toxemia. Synonym(s): blubber finger, crab hand, pseudoerysipelas, seal fingers, whale fingers [G. erysipelas + eidos, resemblance]


(ĕr′ĭ-sĭp′ə-loid′, îr′ə-)n. An acute infectious disease of humans caused by the bacterium Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae,usually contracted from contact with contaminated meat, fish, or shellfish and characterized by pain, swelling, and redness of the skin near the initial site of infection and sometimes by fever and joint pain.


Infectious disease An infection by the microaerophilic gram-positive Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, which is almost exclusive to those who occupationally handle animal products Clinical Sharply-demarcated red maculopapular lesions of the hands, which may spontaneously heal Complications Arthritis, endocarditis


(er'i-sip'ĕ-loyd) A specific, usually self-limiting, cellulitis of the hand caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae; appears as a dusky erythema with diamondlike configuration of the skin at the site of a wound sustained in handling fish or meat and may become generalized, with plaques of erythema and bullae and, occasionally, severe toxemia. [G. erysipelas + eidos, resemblance]


1. Resembling ERYSIPELAS. 2. An infection caused by the bacterium Erysipelothrix rhuscopathiae and acquired especially by way of abrasions or cuts on the hands of people processing meat or fish.


Ottomar, German physician, 1851-1907. Rosenbach disease - Synonym(s): (1) Heberden nodes; - (2) exostoses on the terminal phalanges of the fingers in osteoarthritis; a specific, usually self-limiting, cellulitis of the hand caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. Synonym(s): erysipeloidRosenbach law - (1) in affections of the nerve trunks or nerve centers, paralysis of the flexor muscles appears later than that of the extensors; (2) in case of abnormal stimulation of organs with rhythmical functional periodicity.Rosenbach sign - loss of the abdominal reflex in cases of acute inflammation of the viscera.Rosenbach test - for bile in the urine.Rosenbach-Gmelin test - Synonym(s): Gmelin test




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