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cheilitis [ki-li´tis] inflammation of the lips.actinic cheilitis (cheilitis acti´nica) involvement of the lips after exposure to actinic rays, with pain and swelling and development of a scaly crust on the vermilion border; it may be acute or chronic. Called also solar cheilitis. (See Atlas 3, Part E.)angular cheilitis single or multiple fissures and cracks at the corner of the mouth on one side or both sides, which in advanced stages may spread to the lips and cheeks. Causes include primary or superimposed infection with microorganisms such as Candida albicans, staphylococci, or streptococci; poor hygiene; drooling of saliva; overclosure of the jaws in patients without teeth or with ill-fitting dentures; riboflavin deficiency; or other causes. Called also perlèche.solar cheilitis actinic cheilitis.so·lar chei·li·tismucosal atrophy with drying, crusting, and fissuring of the vermilion border of the lower lip in older fair-skinned individuals, resulting from chronic exposure to sunlight; dysplastic (premalignant) changes are noted microscopically, analogous to solar keratosis. Synonym(s): actinic cheilitischeilitis, chelitis, chilitis (ki-lit'is ) [ chilo- + -itis] Inflammation or chapping of the lips, esp. at their corners. This condition may be caused by exposure to sun, wind, or other elements or it may result from habitual lip licking. Synonym: angularcheilitisactinic cheilitisSolar cheilitis. CHEILITISangular cheilitischeilitisillustrationsolar cheilitisPrecancerous damage to the lips (primarily the lower lip) due to excessive exposure to the sun. Synonym: actinic cheilitischeilitis venenataDermatitis of the lips resulting from chemical irritants in lipsticks, lip cream, and various other materials. so·lar chei·li·tis (sō'lăr kī-lī'tis) Mucosal atrophy with drying and fissuring of the vermilion border of the lower lip in older fair-skinned people, resulting from chronic exposure to sunlight. Synonym(s): actinic cheilitis. |