Acronym | Definition |
AOCC➣Autodesk Official Certification Courseware |
AOCC➣Asian Organization for Crohn’s and Colitis |
AOCC➣Accidentally Oil Contaminated |
AOCC➣American Orthodox Catholic Church |
AOCC➣Alumni of Color Conference (Harvard Graduate School of Education) |
AOCC➣Association of Cairngorms Communities (UK) |
AOCC➣Analysis of Change Cell (US Army) |
AOCC➣Airport Operations Control Centre |
AOCC➣Air Operations Control Center |
AOCC➣Air Operations Coordination Center |
AOCC➣Air Operations Co-ordination Centre |
AOCC➣Atlantic Operations Control Center (US FAA) |
AOCC➣Association of O&C (Oregon and California Railroad Revested Lands) Counties (Oregon) |
AOCC➣Alternate Operations Command Center |
AOCC➣AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) Optimizing C/C++ Compiler (computer programming) |