

单词 aoc



abbreviation for (Brewing) appellation d'origine contrôlée. See AC7



Abbreviation for anodal opening contraction.


Abbreviation for:
administrator on call
Adult Opportunity Centre (Medspeak-UK) 
advanced ovarian cancer
aortic constriction
area over the curve


(kon-trak'shon) [L. contractio, a drawing together] A shortening or tightening, as of a muscle; a shrinking or a reduction in size.

anodal opening contraction

Abbreviation: AOC
Contraction of the muscles at the anode when the electrical circuit is open.

Braxton Hicks contraction

See: Braxton Hicks contractions

carpopedal contraction

A contraction of the flexor muscles of the hands and feet due to tetany, hypocalcemia, or hyperventilation.

concentric muscle contraction

Contraction of a muscle in which the extended muscle is shortened. Pulling the body up by grasping a bar over the head is such a contraction.

eccentric muscle contraction

Lengthening of the muscle as it contracts against resistance. Lowering the body from a position in which the body was supported by the flexed arms, i.e., holding onto a bar above the head, is such a contraction.

graduated muscular contractions

1. The mechanism by which all smooth, coordinated muscle activity occurs. Normally controlled involuntarily by the central nervous system, motor units are recruited and stimulated at an intensity needed to accomplish a desired activity. 2. Contractions accomplished by use of electric current of varying strength and duration. This method is used in muscles with an intact nerve supply when muscles are atonic, wasted away, or when voluntary exercise is not feasible, and in denervated muscles, as in cases following nerve injury or poliomyelitis.

hourglass contraction

An excessive, irregular contraction of an organ at its center. See: ectasia

idiomuscular contraction

Motion produced by degenerated muscles without nerve stimulus.

incoordinate uterine contraction

An abnormality of the first stage of labor in which uterine contractions are too weak or too ineffective to dilate the cervix.

isoinertial muscle contraction

Shortening and increased tension in a muscle against a constant load or resistance.

isometric contraction

A muscular contraction in which the muscle increases tension but does not change its length. Synonym: static muscle contraction

isotonic contraction

A muscular contraction in which the muscle maintains constant tension by changing its length during the action.

lead pipe contraction

A cataleptic condition during which limbs remain in any position in which they have been placed.

premature ventricular contraction

Abbreviation: PVC
Contraction of the cardiac ventricle before the normal time, caused by an electrical impulse to the ventricle arising from a site other than the sinoatrial node. The PVC may be a single event or may occur several times a minute or in pairs or strings. Three or more PVCs in a row constitute ventricular tachycardia.

static muscle contraction

Isometric contraction.

tetanic contraction

1. Continuous muscular contraction. 2. A sudden, strong, sustained uterine contraction that jeopardizes maternal and fetal status. It may occur during oxytocin induction or stimulation of labor and can cause profound fetal distress, premature placental separation, or uterine rupture.

tonic contraction

Spasmodic contraction of a muscle for an extended period.

anodal opening contraction

Abbreviation: AOC
Contraction of the muscles at the anode when the electrical circuit is open.See also: contraction


AOCAustralian Olympic Committee
AOCAdministrative Office of the Courts
AOCAge Of Conan (game)
AOCArchdiocese of Chicago (Chicago, IL)
AOCActive Optical Cable (various organizations)
AOCAdvent of Code (programming)
AOCArea of Concern
AOCArchitect of the Capitol
AOCAll Our Children (various organizations)
AOCAir Operator Certificate
AOCApplied Organometallic Chemistry (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.)
AOCAdvice of Charge (Sprint)
AOCAlliance of Civilizations (UN)
AOCAssociation of Old Crows
AOCAge of Champions (gaming)
AOCAssociation of Colleges (UK)
AOCAmbassadors of Christ
AOCAdministrative Order on Consent
AOCArt of Charm (Charismatic, Confident, Social Interaction)
AOCArt of Charm
AOCArea Of Concentration
AOCAir Operations Center
AOCAdvice of Charge
AOCAuxiliary Output Chip
AOCAccess Overload Class
AOCAdsl Overhead Control Channel
AOCAbundance of Caution (financial lending classification)
AOCAir and Space Operations Center (previously: Air Operations Center)
AOCAsian Organized Crime
AOCArmy Operating Concept (US Army)
AOCAnnual Operating Cost
AOCAppelation d'Origine Contrôlée (French wines)
AOCAir Officer Commanding (RAAF)
AOCAMCOM (Aviation and Missile Command) Operations Center
AOCAssociation of Oregon Counties
AOCAutonomy Oriented Computing
AOCAircraft Operations Center
AOCAIDS Outreach Center (Fort Worth, TX)
AOCAssimilable Organic Carbon
AOCArea of Contamination
AOCAreas of Concentration
AOCAdvanced Ovarian Cancer
AOCAdvanced Operations Course (various organizations)
AOCApproximate Original Contour (topography)
AOCAlliance of Churches (Alliance, OH)
AOCArmy Ordnance Corps (various armed forces)
AOCArticles of Confederation (US pre-Constitution government document)
AOCAlabama Organ Center (est. 1968)
AOCApple on Campus (Apple Inc.)
AOCAnnals of Communism (documentary series)
AOCAttestation of Conformity
AOCAmerican Orthodox Church
AOCAward Of Contract
AOCAir Operating Certificate
AOCArmy Operations Center
AOCAirline Operations Center
AOCAgent of Change
AOCAeronautical Operational Control
AOCAmbler Olympic Club (Ambler, PA)
AOCAirline Operational Control (FAA)
AOCArk of the Covenant (Bible)
AOCAdministrator on Call
AOCAerospace Operations Center
AOCAdministrative Order of Consent
AOCArabian Oil Co. (Japan)
AOCArea of Consideration (employment)
AOCAny Other Color (animal breeding/shows)
AOCArt of Conquest (Empire Earth game expansion)
AOCAviation Officer Candidate
AOCApostolic Orthodox Church
AOCAntiochian Orthodox Church
AOCAfrican Orthodox Church
AOCAirport Operations Center
AOCAge of Conquerors (game expansion)
AOCAlberta Online Consortium (Alberta, Canada)
AOCArchitectural Openings Consultant (professional certification)
AOCAlabama Open Carry (also seen as ALOC; pro-gun Internet community)
AOCAirline Operational Communication (data link)
AOCAir Officer Commander
AOCOxygen Arc Cutting
AOCAmerican Optical Company
AOCAirline Operation Center (air traffic)
AOCChief Aviation Ordnanceman (Naval rating)
AOCAbnormal Operating Condition(s)
AOCAngels on Call (Tribulation Force Headquarters)
AOCArmy Operations Course (Canadian)
AOCArts Orange County (California)
AOCAnglican Orthodox Church (Statesville, NC)
AOCAutomatic Overload Control
AOCAutomatic Output Control (cellular phone transmitter control)
AOCActive Object Class
AOCAutomated Operations Control
AOCADSL Overhead Channel
AOCAviation Ordnance Chief
AOCAlbanian Orthodox Church
AOCAdvice of Correction
AOCAmerican Oilseed Coalition
AOCAirlift Operations Center
AOCAirlines Operators' Committee
AOCAdvice of Change
AOCAccounting Operations Center (US NPS)
AOCAirlines Operations Center
AOCAnglaises Ont la Côte (French automobile association)
AOCArgument Order Change
AOCAnalytical Operations/Data Quality Center (EPA)
AOCAirline Operating Center
AOCActive Optics Compensation
AOCAerojet Ordnance Company
AOCAdvanced Operating Capability
AOCArtists’ Owned Collective (Tacoma, WA gallery)
AOCAdministrative Operations Committee
AOCAudio Operator Console (Crystal)
AOCAction Office Contact
AOCAmeritech Operating Company
AOCAction Officer Code
AOCAssistant Operations Controller
AOCAutomatic Opening Capability (parachute feature)
AOCAgricultural Outlook Conference
AOCAUTODIN Operators Console
AOCAutomobiles d'Origine et de Collection (French automobile club)
AOCAllied Operational Center
AOCAlmost-Optimal Coset
AOCAwaiting Outgoing Continuity
AOCAshland Oil Company
AOCAdministrative Overhead Center
AOCAdditional Operational Capability




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