cavernous nerves of penis

cav·ern·ous nerves of pe·nis

[TA] two nerves, major and minor, derived from the prostatic portion of the pelvic plexus supplying sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers to the helicine arteries and arteriorvenous anastomoses of the corpus cavernosum stimulating erection. Synonym(s): nervi cavernosi penis [TA], cavernous plexus of penis

cav·ern·ous nerves of pe·nis

(kav'ĕr-nŭs nĕrvz pē'nis) [TA] Two nerves, major and minor, derived from the prostatic portion of the pelvic plexus supplying sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers to the helicine arteries and arteriovenous anastomoses of the corpus cavernosum stimulating erection.
Synonym(s): nervi cavernosi penis [TA] .