Eleventh All-Russian Congress of Soviets
Eleventh All-Russian Congress of Soviets
held in Moscow on Jan. 19–29, 1924, and attended by 1,637 delegates, of whom 1,143 had a casting vote. The delegates included 834 workers and 423 peasants. Among the items on the agenda were the report of the People’s Commissariat for Agriculture (A. I. Sviderskii), a report on problems of labor protection and wages (V. V. Shmidt), and a report of the People’s Commissariat for Finance on the budget of the RSFSR (M. K. Vladimirov). Also on the agenda were a report on the Union Constitution (D. I. Kurskii), a report on the eradication of illiteracy (A. V. Lunacharskii), and a report on the election of members of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (A. S. Enukidze).
The report of the People’s Commissariat for Agriculture (January 20) presented an analysis of the Soviet government’s agricultural policy. The congress proposed a number of measures designed to enlist the peasant masses in restoring agriculture on the basis of individual initiative and cooperation: the organization of an agricultural bank, the issuing of agricultural machines and implements on favorable terms, the development of longterm cheap agricultural credit, grants of broad tax privileges to poor peasants, and the popularization of agricultural knowledge.
After hearing the report of the People’s Commissariat for Labor (January 21), the Eleventh All-Union Congress of Soviets reaffirmed the inviolability of the eight-hour workday and the comprehensive protection of female and child labor. The congress adopted a resolution declaring that wages must be raised in accordance with the development of industry and labor productivity, and it resolved to take immediate measures to reduce unemployment.
On January 22, M. I. Kalinin announced Lenin’s death. The Eleventh All-Union Congress of Soviets adopted a resolution declaring January 21 a day of mourning. The congress issued an appeal To All the Working People, calling for unity and solidarity. The sessions were suspended for one week.
On January 29 the congress approved the Constitution of the USSR and assigned the All-Russian Central Executive Committee the task of making corresponding changes in the Constitution of the RSFSR (1918). After the presentation of the report of the People’s Commissariat for Education (January 29), the congress set a goal of eradicating illiteracy among the adult population of the RSFSR by the tenth anniversary of the October Revolution of 1917. The Congress elected 303 members and 163 candidate members to the new All-Russian Central Executive Committee.
XI Vserossiiskii s”ezd Sovetov: Stenograficheskii otchet. Moscow, 1924.S”ezdy Sovetov Soiuza SSR, soiuznykh i ovtonomnykh Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik: Sb. dokumentov, 1917–1936, vol. 4, part 1. Moscow, 1962.