Briggs, Le Baron Russell

Briggs, Le Baron Russell,

1855–1934, American educator, b. Salem, Mass., grad. Harvard (B.A., 1875; M.A., 1882). As a teacher at Harvard he developed, with Barrett Wendell, a prescribed and widely imitated freshman English course. A number of able contemporary writers were influenced by his graduate course in creative writing. He became professor of English in 1890 and of rhetoric and oratory in 1904. In 1891 he was appointed dean of the college and from 1903 to 1923 served as president of Radcliffe. His works include School, College, and Character (1901), Routine and Ideals (1904), Girls and Education (1911), and Men, Women, and Colleges (1925).


See R. W. Brown, Dean Briggs (1926).