CJFCalculation Job File
CJFClient J Framework
CJFCentral Java Fault
CJFCertified Journeyman Farrier (American Farriers Association)
CJFCopenhagen Jazz Festival (Copenhagen, Denmark)
CJFCercle Jules Ferry (French sports club)
CJFCouncil of Jewish Federations
CJFChantiers de la Jeunesse Française (French youth camps)
CJFClan Jade Falcon (gaming clan)
CJFClub des Jeunes Financiers (French: Young Financial Club)
CJFCabinet Juridique et Fiscal (French: Legal and Tax Office)
CJFCoherent Joint Fires
CJFCrail-Johnson Foundation (San Pedro, CA)
CJFChannel Journal File
CJFClearjet Filter
CJFCape Jewellery Fair (South Africa)