as (something) as you please

as (something) as you please

Extremely (something). The phrase is used as an intensifier. I can't believe she just waltzed in here as smug as you please and demanded a raise.See also: please

as you please

1. However you wish, whatever you choose, as in We can have meat or fish tonight, as you please, or Go or don't go-do as you please. This idiom was introduced about 1500 and inverted what was then the usual order, which was "as it pleases you." 2. Very, extremely, as in After winning the contract he was smug as you please, or She sat there in her new dress, as pretty as you please. [First half of 1900s] See also: please

as — as you please

used to emphasize the degree to which someone or something possesses the specified quality, especially when this is seen as surprising. informal 1989 Marilynne Robinson Mother Country Hearing themselves expound as slick as you please on every great question of the age… they must feel that their gift to the world of enlightenment exculpates the racism. See also: please