

单词 dsi
释义 DictionarySeeSMS



(communications) digital speech interpolation


Delivered Source Instruction


(1) (DSi) A handheld game console from Nintendo (the Nintendo DSi). Introduced in 2008, it superseded the Nintendo DS.

(2) (Dynamic Systems Initiative) A collection of Microsoft products for managing Windows in large enterprises. Introduced in 2003, Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) and Systems Management Server (SMS) were two of the components under the DSI umbrella. See MOM and SMS.
FinancialSeeDays' sales in inventory ratio


DSIDecision Sciences Institute
DSIDYWIDAG Systems International
DSIDeep Sky Imager (astrophotography)
DSIDepartment of Special Investigation (Thailand)
DSIData Systems, Inc. (various locations)
DSIDirecteur des Systèmes d'Information (French: Director of Information Systems; various organizations)
DSIDirect Spark Ignition (propane fired appliances)
DSIDesign Services, Inc. (various locations)
DSIDocument Solutions, Inc.
DSIDestination Software, Inc. (est. 2001; Moorestown, NJ)
DSIDirection des Systèmes d'Information (French: Directorate of Information Systems; France and Switzerland)
DSIDaiichi Sankyo, Inc. (Parsippany, NJ)
DSIDry Sorbent Injection
DSIDipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione (Italian university)
DSIData Service & Information (various companies)
DSIData Science Initiative (various schools)
DSIDigital Systems International Inc.
DSIDisease Severity Index
DSIDirect Steam Injection
DSIDynamic Skeleton Interface (CORBA server-side API)
DSIDrive Select Interface
DSIDual Sequential Ignition
DSIData Search Information
DSIDigital Signal Interface
DSIData Server Interface
DSIData Stream Interface over Ip
DSIDual Stage Intake
DSIDynamic Systems Initiative
DSIDesktop Statistics Integration
DSIDevelopment Studies Institute
DSIDrought Severity Index
DSIDynamic Systems Initiative (Microsoft)
DSIDutch Securities Institute
DSIDepartment of Safety and Inspections (Minnesota)
DSIDéfense et Sécurité Internationale (French: Defense and International Security; publication)
DSIData Storage Institute
DSIDistribution Solutions, Inc. (Plymouth, MA)
DSIDynamic Solutions International (Englewood, CO)
DSIDetailed Site Investigation (land development; various locations)
DSIData Systems International
DSIDeutsche Securities, Inc. (Deutsche Bank; Germany)
DSIDual Sensory Impairment(s)
DSIDominican Studies Institute (City University of New York)
DSIDe Samvirkende Invalideorganisationer (Danish: Federation of Organizations of Disabled People)
DSIDistribution Services Industriels (French: Industrial Distribution Services)
DSIDysfunction in Sensory Integration
DSIDistributed Storage Infrastructure
DSIDienst Speciale Interventies (Dutch counterterrorism unit)
DSIDevelopment Services International (various organizations)
DSIDigital Spot Imaging (diagnostic technique)
DSIDistribution and Service, Inc. (Fairfax, VA)
DSIDealer Satisfaction Index
DSIDefense Simulation Internet
DSIDigital Speech Interpolation
DSIDeliberate Self Injury
DSIDirect Service Industry
DSIDotation Spéciale pour le Logement des Instituteurs (French: Special Allocation for Housing for Teachers)
DSIDual Sequential Ignition (Honda automotive engine technology)
DSIDistribution Service International (France)
DSIDiseminación Selectiva de Información (Spanish)
DSIDigital Switch Interface
DSIDipole Shear Imager (energy production)
DSIDevlet Su Isleri (Turkish state water works)
DSIDiscrete Surface Integral (microwave theory)
DSIDirty South Improv (Carrboro, North Carolina)
DSIDelivered Source Instructions
DSIDominican Sisters International (Rome)
DSIData Securities International
DSIDestin, FL, USA (Airport Code)
DSIDevelopment Strategy Institute (Vietnam)
DSIData Sharing and Interoperability
DSIDial Services Interface
DSIDevry Student ID
DSIDeutsche Schule Istanbul (German high school, Istanbul, Turkey)
DSIDentistes Solidaires et Indépendants (French: United and Independent Dentists)
DSIDu Sordet Immobilier (French real estate firm)
DSIDayananda Sagar Institutions
DSIData Subscriber Interface
DSIDefense Security Intelligence
DSIDivision of Services Improvement
DSIDansk System Industri A/S
DSIData Set Interface
DSIDefense Security Institute
DSIData Systems Inquiry
DSIDaily Stock Inventory
DSIDual Stage Inflator (air bag)
DSIData Service Interface
DSIDevelopmental Science Initiative
DSIDistilled Spirits Institute
DSIDeclared Site Inspection
DSIDélégation de Service Informatique (French information technology department)
DSIDiversified Services for Industry, Inc
DSIDatawest Solutions Inc
DSIDirector's Strategic Initiatives (US Army Research Laboratory)
DSIData Security Interface
DSIData Security Insurance
DSIDirect Switch Interface
DSIDownload Server Initiate Control Message
DSIDissimilar Source Integration
DSIDriver Style Identifier
DSIDay Sales Inventory
DSIDirect Signal Interference
DSIDealer Self-Inspection (automotive sales)
DSIDefense Suppression Integration
DSIDefense System Information
DSIDe Sua Impensa (Latin: At His Own Expenses, epigraphy)
DSIDescendants Similarity Inheritance




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