

单词 cav




Cur. adv. vult

abbreviation for (Law) Curia advisari vult: used in English law to indicate that a court has decided to consider a case privately before giving judgment, as when time is needed to consider arguments or submissions made to it. Compare avizandum[Medieval Latin: the court wishes to consider]


1. cavalier. 2. cavalry. 3. cavity.



Constant Angular Velocity


(1) (Component Analog Video) See YPbPr.

(2) (Constant Angular Velocity) Rotating an optical disc or hard disk at a constant speed. Contrast with "constant linear velocity" (CLV), in which the platter rotates at varying speeds. Since the circumferences of the inner tracks on a disk are smaller than the outer tracks, if a single clock frequency is used to write the data, the inner tracks are more dense than the outer ones in a CAV system.

Zone Bit Recording
In order to maximize the space on a round medium more efficiently, in the 1990s, hard drive manufacturers migrated to "zone CAV" (Z-CAV), also known as "zone bit recording" (ZBR). Z-CAV breaks the disk into multiple zones that each contain several thousand tracks, the number depending on the zone's location within the platter. When the read/write head moves from zone to zone, the clock frequency changes. As a result, the outer tracks have more sectors than the inner tracks and hold more data, and the disk's capacity is larger for the same size platter.

Just Two Zones
"Partial CAV" (P-CAV), also known as "CAV/CLV," breaks the disk into two zones. Used in certain CD-ROM and DVD drives, P-CAV keeps the speed constant for the inner zone (CAV), but varies the disk rotation for the outer zone (CLV). See CLV.



A gene on chromosome 16p24.3 that encodes a carbonic anhydrase, a zinc metalloenzyme that catalyses the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide. Carbonic anhydrases participate in various biological processes, including respiration, calcification, maintaining acid-base balance and bone resorption, as well as producing aqueous humour, cerebrospinal fluid, saliva and gastric acid. Carbonic anhydrase 5A is localised in mitochondria, expressed primarily in the liver and may play an important role in ureagenesis and gluconeogenesis.


cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin(doxorubicin), vincristine (chemotherapeutic agents to treat bone, lung, and other cancers.
LegalSeecur. adv. vult


CAVComputer-Aided Verification
CAVConstant Angular Velocity
CAVComposite Audio Video
CAVConcept Activity Vehicle
CAVComputer Aided Verification
CAVConstant Air Volume
CAVCampus Andaluz Virtual (Spanish virtual campus)
CAVCanine Adenovirus
CAVCentre d'Art Visuel (French: Visual Art Center; France and Switzerland)
CAVContrat d'Avenir (French: Future Contract; employment contract)
CAVCommon Aero Vehicle
CAVCardiac Allograft Vasculopathy
CAVChicken Anemia Virus
CAVComputer Audio Video (music system)
CAVCollision Avoidance System
CAVCyclophosphamide Doxorubicin Vincristine
CAVCoalition Anti-Vivisection (Belgium)
CAVCommercial Asset Visibility
CAVCentre Alexis Vautrin (French: Alexis Vautrin Center; est. 1924; Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France)
CAVAviation Heavy Cruiser
CAVComposite Armored Vehicle
CAVCumulative Absolute Velocity (seismology)
CAVConfrérie des Amateurs de Vapeur (French: Brotherhood of Steam Enthusiasts)
CAVComponent Averaging (numerical technique for solving large sparse linear systems)
CAVColegio de Arquitectos de Venezuela (Spanish: Venezuela Association of Architects)
CAVCommon Aerospace Vehicle
CAVCentro Ecuménico Antonio Valdivieso (Antonio Valdivieso Ecumenical Centre)
CAVCommand Assistance Visit (US DoD)
CAVComputer Assisted Valuation (real property)
CAVCentral Africa Vision
CAVCompound Accreted Value
CAVChick Anemia Virus
CAVCampo de Visão (Portugese)
CAVCorrective Action Verification
CAVCentre Astronomique Vendéen (French: Vendéen Astronomical Center; Vendée, France)
CAVClub d'Aviron Vésenaz (French: Rowing Club Vésenaz; Vésenaz, Switzerland)
CAVCommand Assault Vehicle
CAVCombat Autonomous Vehicle
CAVCrack Arrest Verification
CAVClub Automodélisme de Viglain (French: Auto-Modeler Club of Viglain; Viglain, France)
CAVCommand Authority Violation
CAVContrat Assurance Vie (French: Life Insurance Contract)
CAVConsolidated Adjustment Voucher
CAVChampagne Audiovisuel (French: Champagne Audiovisual; Cormontreuil, France)
CAVComputer Aided Vexillology




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