Acronym | Definition |
CIWA➣Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment |
CIWA➣Canadian Injured Workers Alliance |
CIWA➣California Insurance Wholesalers Association |
CIWA➣Catholic Institute of West Africa |
CIWA➣Committee on Institution-Wide Accreditation |
CIWA➣Coastal Industrial Water Authority (Houston, TX) |
CIWA➣Certified Internet Webmaster Associate |
CIWA➣California Institute of World Archaeology |
CIWA➣Canadian Independent Wrestling Alliance (Peterbough, Ontario, Canada) |
CIWA➣California Immigrant Workers Association |
CIWA➣Coalition of Immigrant Worker Advocates |
CIWA➣Construction Industries Wholesalers Association (Englewood Cliffs, NJ) |
CIWA➣Certified Internet Webmaster Administrator |
CIWA➣Cambodian Improvement Women Association (Kandal, Cambodia) |
CIWA➣Clinical Institute Withdrawal for Alcohol (scale) |
CIWA➣Central Idaho Wilderness Act of 1980 (US) |
CIWA➣Central Indiana Writers Association (Greenwood, IN) |
CIWA➣Catholic Italian Welfare Association (Australia) |
CIWA➣Championship International Wrestling Alliance |
CIWA➣Citrine Wagtail (Motacilla citreola) |
CIWA➣Cook Islands Workers Association Incorporated (trade union) |
CIWA➣condition identification work authorization |
CIWA➣Commercial Industrial Waste Applications (San Jose, CA waste and recycling advocate company) |