Concentrated Feeds

Concentrated Feeds


concentrates and feeds with a high content of nutritional substances.

Feeds classified as concentrated include granular feeds (cereal and legumes), some by-products of technical production, mixed feed-concentrates, and animal feeds. There are two groups of concentrated feeds, distinguished according to the composition of their nutritional substances: carbohydrate and protein. Carbohydrate feeds include cereals (such as oats, barley, and corn), which are rich in starch and sugar; mill by-products (bran, grain cuttings, flour dust); and dried by-products of sugar-beet and starch production. One kg of such feeds contains 0.7–1.3 fodder units and 70–80 g of digestible protein. Protein concentrated feeds include leguminous crops (such as peas, beans, soya, and lentils), by-products of macroextraction production (oilcake and oilseed meal), and by-products of meat-packing combines (meat, meat-and-bone, and blood meal) and of fish-processing enterprises (fish meal). One kg of such feeds contains 0.7–1.2 fodder units and 180–350 g of digestible protein.

The significance of concentrated feeds in feeding depends on the species, age, and productivity of the animals. For ruminants, whose rations consist basically of coarse and succulent fodders, concentrates are supplementary and are introduced to increase the level of the total and protein nutrition of the rations. Concentrated feeds are the basic rations of pigs and poultry.