

单词 concealment



C0542700 (kən-sēl′)tr.v. con·cealed, con·ceal·ing, con·ceals To keep from being observed or discovered; hide. See Synonyms at hide1.
[Middle English concelen, from Old French conceler, from Latin concēlāre : com-, intensive pref.; see com- + cēlāre, to hide; see kel- in Indo-European roots.]
con·ceal′a·ble adj.con·ceal′ment n.


The protection from observation or surveillance. See also camouflage; cover; screen.



(See also SECRECY.)

all one’s geese are swans See EXAGGERATION.

cover one’s tracks To hide or conceal one’s actions or motives, to cover up, to get rid of the evidence. The allusion is to the practice of American Indians, backwoodsmen, and such, who erased or otherwise obliterated their footprints to avoid being followed. See Indian file, ARRANGEMENT.

In corresponding, I endeavored to cover my tracks as far as possible. (Albert D. Richardson, The Secret Service, the Field, the Dungeon, and the Escape, 1865)

gild the pill To mask or ease an offensive or onerous task by providing attractive incentives; to cloak in euphemism. This expression is derived from the sugary coating applied to pills to make them more palatable.

Palmerston must go … There was no attempt to gild the pill, since on reflection it seemed better that he should not lead the Commons. (Philip Guedalla, Palmerston, 1926)

put up a smoke screen To camouflage or conceal one’s intentions, motives, or actions from one’s rivals or opponents, or from the general public. A smoke screen is a cover of dense smoke produced to camouflage a ship, plane, or area from the enemy during top-secret military operations.

A reply which General Waters considers was a skilful smoke-screen to conceal a refusal. (The Observer, June, 1928)

sweep under the carpet To cover up or conceal something embarrassing or disagreeable in the hope that it will escape notice or be forgotten; also to push under the carpet.

It would be self-deception to think that unemployment could be dealt with by emergency measures and pushed under the carpet. (The Times, January, 1963)

Of fairly recent coinage, this expression refers to the lazy person’s step-saving trick of literally sweeping dirt under the rug instead of picking it up.

under the counter In a clandestine, often illegal manner; out of sight, set apart from the regular stock; having to do with money changing hands unofficially or illegally. The counter or table is the one over which money is exchanged for merchandise. Under-the-counter or under-the-table practices or products are often connected with the black market. The expression was popular during World War II when certain luxury items were in demand but accessible only “under the counter.” Banned books have also been popular “under-the-counter” items.

Chief goods to “go under the counter” are fully fashioned silk stockings, watches, and silk handkerchiefs. (Evening Standard, December 20, 1945)

Under the counter is usually used interchangeably with under the table, though the latter is heard more often to describe payment made but not officially recorded, thus evading taxes.

whitewash To cover up defects, faults, or mistakes, especially to deceive the public about the disreputable goings on of a public figure; to make the guilty look innocent or to condone a reprehensible action, by hiding or manipulating the facts and creating a façade of respectability. To whitewash is literally to whiten with a composition of lime and water, or ground chalk. Figuratively, this Americanism means to exonerate or give a clean slate to an unethical or guilty person. Also used substantively, the term is commonly heard in political contexts.

Several Republican senators reported that the report was a “whitewash” of [Senator] McCarthy’s charges. (AP wire story, July 20, 1950)

Noun1.concealment - the condition of being concealed or hiddenconcealment - the condition of being concealed or hiddenprivateness, secrecy, privacyisolation - a state of separation between persons or groupscovertness, hiddenness - the state of being covert and hiddenbosom - the chest considered as the place where secret thoughts are kept; "his bosom was bursting with the secret"confidentiality - the state of being secret; "you must respect the confidentiality of your client's communications"hiding - the state of being hidden; "he went into hiding"
2.concealment - a covering that serves to conceal or shelter somethingconcealment - a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something; "a screen of trees afforded privacy"; "under cover of darkness"; "the brush provided a covert for game"; "the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background"cover, covert, screenblind - a hiding place sometimes used by hunters (especially duck hunters); "he waited impatiently in the blind"camouflage - device or stratagem for concealment or deceitcovering - an artifact that covers something else (usually to protect or shelter or conceal it)shoji - a translucent screen made of a wooden frame covered with rice paperstalking-horse - screen consisting of a figure of a horse behind which a hunter hides while stalking game
3.concealment - the activity of keeping something secretconcealing, hidingactivity - any specific behavior; "they avoided all recreational activity"disguise, camouflage - the act of concealing the identity of something by modifying its appearance; "he is a master of disguise"mask - activity that tries to conceal something; "no mask could conceal his ignorance"; "they moved in under a mask of friendship"masking, screening, cover, covering - the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it; "the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft"cover - a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent); "her new name and passport are cover for her next assignment"cover-up - concealment that attempts to prevent something scandalous from becoming publicburying, burial - concealing something under the groundsmoke screen, smokescreen - an action intended to conceal or confuse or obscure; "requesting new powers of surveillance is just a smokescreen to hide their failures"stealth, stealing - avoiding detection by moving carefullymoney laundering - concealing the source of illegally gotten money


noun1. cover, hiding, camouflage, hiding place The criminals vainly sought concealment from the searchlight.2. cover-up, disguise, keeping secret His concealment of his true motives was masterly.
cover-up showing, display, exposure, leak, revelation, give-away, uncovering, disclosure


nounThe habit, practice, or policy of keeping secrets:clandestineness, clandestinity, covertness, huggermugger, huggermuggery, secrecy, secretiveness, secretness.


(kənˈsiːl) verb to hide or keep secret. He concealed his disappointment from his friends. 隱藏,隱瞞 隐瞒conˈcealment noun 隱藏,隱瞞 隐蔽




in criminal law, the deliberate concealment of a criminal, as well as of instruments and means of committing a crime, traces of a crime, or articles criminally acquired. Concealment consists of providing a criminal with a place to live where he can hide from searches, providing a criminal with counterfeit documents, or destroying traces of a crime. In Soviet criminal law, concealment promised in advance is considered complicity as an accessory; concealment not promised in advance is not considered complicity. Criminal responsibility for concealment as a separate crime ensues only for concealment of the commission of especially dangerous crimes against the state, for example, treason, espionage, terrorist acts, sabotage, wrecking, and banditry (Criminal Code of the RSFSR, art. 88–2), and in certain other cases envisioned by law, for example, murder and rape under aggravating circumstances (Criminal Code of the RSFSR, art. 189). Responsibility for concealment not promised in advance depends on the gravity of the crime with which it is associated. For crimes against the state, it is punished by deprivation of freedom for a term of one to five years with or without additional exile for a term of two to five years or by exile for a term not exceeding five years. For other crimes, concealment is punished by deprivation of freedom for a term not exceeding five years or not exceeding two years or by correctional tasks for a term not exceeding one year.


See also Refuge.Ali Baba40 thieves concealed in oil jars. [Arab. Lit.: Arabian Nights]ark of bulrushesMoses hidden in basket to escape infanticide. [O.T.: Exodus 2:1–6]Holgravehides his identity as the builder’s descendant and finds the concealed deed to the land. [Am. Lit.: Hawthorne The House of the Seven Gables]Hooper, Parsonwears a black veil as a symbol of secret sorrow and sin. [Am. Lit.: Hawthorne “The Minister’s Black Veil” in Benét, 672]Inigo and GonsalveConcepción’s would-be lovers; hides them in her husband’s clocks. [Fr. Opera: Ravel, The Spanish Hour, Westerman, 198]Man in the Iron Maskforced to perpetually wear an iron mask to conceal his indentity. [Br. Lit. and Fr. Hist.: Benét 628]PoloniusHamlet stabs him through the arras. [Br. Lit.: Hamlet]sealed booksymbolic of impenetrable secrets. [Christian Symbolism: Appleton, 13]veil of Isisnever lifted to reveal the face of the goddess. [Anc. Egypt. Myth.: Brewer Dictionary 492]wilderness of Maonwhere David sought refuge from Saul’s pursuit. [O. T.: I Samuel 23:25–29]wilderness of Ziphwhere David hid to escape Saul’s search. [O.T.: I Samuel 23:14]



(kŏn-sēl'mĕnt) The collection of research data or the provision of an intervention without participant's knowledge or consent.


(kŏn-sēl′mĕnt) 1. In medicolegal affairs, failure to provide information or evidence.2. In research, a technique to guarantee blinding of subjects and investigators. 3. In patient care, shielding a patient from his diagnosis.4. In plastic surgery, the hiding of a structure with an undesirable appearance.5. In electrocardiography, the invisibility of a rhythm or conduction disturbance.6. In emergency or military medicine, hiding behind a curtain or bush to make it difficult for an assailant to see or direct gunfire toward one.


Related to Concealment: circumvention, insider trading, allocation concealment


n. fraudulent failure to reveal information which someone knows and is aware that in good faith he/she should communicate to another. Examples include failure to disclose defects in goods sold (the horse has been sick, the car has been in an accident), leaving out significant liabilities in a credit application, or omitting assets from a bankruptcy schedule to keep them from being available for distribution to creditors. Such concealment at minimum can be a cause for rescission (cancellation) of a contract by the misled party or a civil lawsuit for fraud. (See: fraud)

CONCEALMENT, contracts. The unlawful suppression of any fact or circumstance, by one of the parties to a contract, from the other, which in justice ought to be made known. 1 Bro. Ch. R. 420; 1 Fonbl. Eq. B. 1, c. 3, Sec. 4, note (n); 1 Story, Eq. Jur. Sec. 207.
2. Fraud occurs when one person substantially misrepresents or conceals a material fact peculiarly within his own knowledge, in consequence of which a delusion exists; or uses a device naturally calculated to lull the suspicions of a careful man, and induce him to forego inquiry into a matter upon which the other party has information, although such information be not exclusively within his reach. 2 Bl. Com. 451; 3 Id. 166; Sugd. Vend. 1 to 10; 1 Com. Contr. 38; 3 B. & C. 623; 5 D. & R. 490; 2 Wheat. 183; 11 Id. 59; 1 Pet. Sup. C. R. 15, 16. The party is not bound, however, to disclose patent defects. Sugd. Vend. 2.
3. A distinction has been made between the concealment of latent defects in real and personal property. For example, the concealment by an agent that a nuisance existed in connexion with a house the owner had to hire, did not render the lease void. 6 IV. & M. 358. 1 Smith, 400. The rule with regard to personalty is different. 3 Camp. 508; 3 T. R. 759.
4. In insurances, where fairness is so essential to, the contract, a concealment which is only the effect of accident, negligence, inadvertence, or mistake, if material, is equally fatal to the contract as if it were intentional and fraudulent. 1 Bl. R. 594; 3 Burr. 1909. The insured is required to disclose all the circumstances within his own knowledge only, which increase the risk. He is not, however, bound to disclose general circumstances which apply to all policies of a particular description, notwithstanding they may greatly increase the risk. Under this rule, it has been decided that a policy is void, which was obtained by the concealment by the assured of the fact that he had heard that a vessel like his was taken. 2 P. Wms. 170. And in a case where the assured had information of "a violent storm" about eleven hours after his vessel had sailed, and had stated only that "there had been blowing weather and severe storms on the coast after the vessel had sailed" but without any reference to the particular storm it was decided that this was a concealment, which vitiated the policy. 2 Caines R. 57. Vide 1 Marsh. Ins: 468; Park, Ins. 276; 14 East, R. 494; 1 John. R. 522; 2 Cowen, 56; 1 Caines, 276; 3 Wash. C. C. Rep. 138; 2 Gallis. 353; 12 John. 128.
5. Fraudulent concealment avoids the contract. See, generally, Verpl. on Contr. passim; Bouv. Inst. Index, h.t.; Marsh. Ins. B. 1, c. 9; 1 Bell's Com. B. 2, pt. 3, c. 15 s. 3, Sec. 1; 1 M. & S. 517; 2 Marsh. R. 336.


Related to concealment: circumvention, insider trading, allocation concealment
  • noun

Synonyms for concealment

noun cover


  • cover
  • hiding
  • camouflage
  • hiding place

noun cover-up


  • cover-up
  • disguise
  • keeping secret


  • showing
  • display
  • exposure
  • leak
  • revelation
  • give-away
  • uncovering
  • disclosure

Synonyms for concealment

noun the habit, practice, or policy of keeping secrets


  • clandestineness
  • clandestinity
  • covertness
  • huggermugger
  • huggermuggery
  • secrecy
  • secretiveness
  • secretness

Synonyms for concealment

noun the condition of being concealed or hidden


  • privateness
  • secrecy
  • privacy

Related Words

  • isolation
  • covertness
  • hiddenness
  • bosom
  • confidentiality
  • hiding

noun a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something


  • cover
  • covert
  • screen

Related Words

  • blind
  • camouflage
  • covering
  • shoji
  • stalking-horse

noun the activity of keeping something secret


  • concealing
  • hiding

Related Words

  • activity
  • disguise
  • camouflage
  • mask
  • masking
  • screening
  • cover
  • covering
  • cover-up
  • burying
  • burial
  • smoke screen
  • smokescreen
  • stealth
  • stealing
  • money laundering




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