

单词 eruption



sudden, violent outburst; ejection of molten rock or steam from a volcano or geyser
Not to be confused with:irruption – a breaking or bursting in; a violent incursion or invasion


E0203900 (ĭ-rŭp′shən)n.1. a. The act or process of erupting.b. An instance of erupting.2. A sudden, often violent outburst.3. a. An appearance of a rash or blemish on the skin.b. Such a rash or blemish.4. The emergence of a tooth through the gums.


(ɪˈrʌp ʃən)

n. 1. an issuing forth suddenly and violently; outburst; outbreak. 2. the ejection of molten rock, steam, etc., as from a volcano or geyser. 3. something that is erupted or ejected, as molten rock. 4. a. the breaking out of a rash or the like. b. the rash itself. 5. the emergence of a growing tooth through the gum tissue.
Noun1.eruption - the sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic materialeruption - the sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic materialvolcanic eruptiondischarge - the sudden giving off of energyPlinian eruption - a volcanic eruption in which a stream of gas and ash is violently ejected to a height of several miles
2.eruption - symptom consisting of a breaking out and becoming visibleeczema vaccinatum, Kaposi's varicelliform eruption - a now rare complication of vaccinia superimposed on atopic dermatitis with high fever and generalized vesicles and papulovesiclessymptom - (medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular diseaseenanthem, enanthema - eruption on a mucous membrane (as the inside of the mouth) occurring as a symptom of a diseaseexanthem, exanthema, skin eruption - eruption on the skin occurring as a symptom of a diseaserash, roseola, skin rash, efflorescence - any red eruption of the skin
3.eruption - (of volcanos) pouring out fumes or lava (or a deposit so formed)eructation, extravasationvolcano, vent - a fissure in the earth's crust (or in the surface of some other planet) through which molten lava and gases eruptactiveness, activity, action - the state of being active; "his sphere of activity"; "he is out of action"
4.eruption - a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition)eruption - a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition); "the outbreak of hostilities"outbreak, irruptionhappening, natural event, occurrence, occurrent - an event that happensepidemic - a widespread outbreak of an infectious disease; many people are infected at the same timerecrudescence - a return of something after a period of abatement; "a recrudescence of racism"; "a recrudescence of the symptoms"
5.eruption - a sudden very loud noiseeruption - a sudden very loud noise clap, bam, bang, blastnoise - sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound); "he enjoyed the street noises"; "they heard indistinct noises of people talking"; "during the firework display that ended the gala the noise reached 98 decibels"water hammer - the banging sound of steam in pipes
6.eruption - the emergence of a tooth as it breaks through the gumegress, emergence, issue - the becoming visible; "not a day's difference between the emergence of the andrenas and the opening of the willow catkins"


noun1. explosion, discharge, outburst, venting, ejection the volcanic eruption of Tambora in 18152. flare-up, outbreak, sally the sudden eruption of violence on the streets of the city3. (Medical) inflammation, outbreak, rash, flare-up an unpleasant eruption of boils


noun1. The act of emerging violently from limits or restraints:explosion, outbreak, outburst.2. A sudden violent expression, as of emotion:access, blowup, burst, explosion, fit, flare-up, gust, outbreak, outburst.


(iˈrapt) verb (of a volcano) to throw out lava etc. When did Mount Etna last erupt?; The demonstration started quietly but suddenly violence erupted. 噴發 喷发eˈruption (-ʃən) noun 噴發 喷发



[i′rəp·shən] (geology) The ejection of solid, liquid, or gaseous material from a volcano.

What does it mean when you dream about an eruption?

An eruption, such as a volcanic eruption, usually indicates the forceful breakthrough of unconscious material—repressed thoughts or urges—into consciousness. More generally, an eruption may indicate an upheaval in one’s life.



 [e-rup´shun] 1. the act of breaking out, appearing, or becoming visible, as eruption of the teeth.2. visible efflorescent lesions of the skin due to disease, with redness, prominence, or both; a rash. adj., adj erup´tive.creeping eruption 1. a peculiar eruption that appears to migrate, due to burrowing beneath the skin by certain larvae; it has the appearance of subcutaneous tunnels that are red and vesicular at the advancing end and dry and encrusted at older portions.2. larva migrans.drug eruption an adverse cutaneous reaction produced by ingestion, parenteral use, or local application of a drug, which may produce various morphologic patterns and types of lesions; called also dermatitis medicamentosa.Kaposi's varicelliform eruption a generalized and serious vesiculopustular eruption of viral origin, superimposed on preexisting atopic dermatitis; it may be due to the herpes simplex virus (eczema herpeticum) or vaccinia (eczema vaccinatum).


(ē-rŭp'shŭn), 1. A breaking out, especially the appearance of lesions on the skin. 2. A rapidly developing dermatosis of the skin or mucous membranes, especially when appearing as a local manifestation of one of the exanthemata; an eruption is characterized, according to the nature of the lesion, as macular, papular, vesicular, pustular, bullous, nodular, erythematous, etc. 3. Passage of a tooth through the alveolar process and perforation of the gums. [L. e-rumpo, pp. -ruptus, to break out]


(ĭ-rŭp′shən)n.1. a. An appearance of a rash or blemish on the skin.b. Such a rash or blemish.2. The emergence of a tooth through the gums.


A rash. See Polymorphous light eruption, Sea-bathers' eruption.


(ē-rŭpshŭn) 1. A breaking out, especially the appearance of lesions on the skin. 2. A rapidly developing dermatosis of the skin or mucous membranes, especially when appearing as a local manifestation of one of the exanthemata; an eruption is characterized, according to the nature of the lesion, as macular, papular, vesicular, pustular, bullous, nodular, erythematous, among other classifications. 3. The passage of a tooth through the alveolar process and perforation of the gums until it reaches occlusion or contact with the opposing tooth.
See also: emergence
[L. e-rumpo, pp. -ruptus, to break out]


(e-rup'shon) [L. eruptio, outbreak] 1. A visible breaking out, esp. of a skin lesion or rash accompanying a disease such as measles or scarlet fever.2. The appearance of a lesion such as redness or spotting on the skin or mucous membrane. 3. The breaking of a tooth through the gum; the cutting of a tooth. eruptive (-tiv), adjective

active eruption

Movement of the tooth toward the occlusal plane.

creeping eruption

A skin lesion marked by a tortuous elevated red line that progresses at one end while fading out at the other. It is caused by the migration into the skin of the larvae of certain nematodes, esp. Ancylostoma braziliense and A. caninum, which are present in ground exposed to dog or cat feces. Synonym: cutaneous larva migrans

delayed eruption

The most common variation in the tooth eruption pattern. It may be due to crowding or to various genetic, endocrine, or physiological factors. DRUG ERUPTION

drug eruption

Dermatitis produced in some patients by application or ingestion of drugs. Drug rashes usually appear on the trunk (chest and back). See: illustration

fixed drug eruption

A localized red rash with a sharp border, which follows exposure to a drug. The rash usually burns, occurs on the face or the genitals, and, if the offending agent is given again, recurs in the same location.

passive eruption

Increased size of the clinical crown of a tooth by apical migration of the attachment epithelium and periodontium.

polymorphous light eruption

, polymorphic light eruption Abbreviation: PMLE
A rash occurring after exposure to sunlight, typically consisting of papules, plaques, or papulovesicles on sun-exposed skin. It is more common in fair-skinned patients and in women than in men or people with darker skin color. The rash is usually itchy but may produce a burning or stinging sensation. Avoiding sun exposure with protective clothing and sunblock helps prevent PMLE. Immune-modulating drugs are available for refractory cases.

seabather's eruption

Itching red papules that may appear on the skin within a few hours of swimming in saltwater. The rash is caused by the sting of the larval forms of the thimble jellyfish or the sea anemone. The rash is usually more prominent under swimsuits than on exposed skin because the pressure of clothing on the skin releases the stinging barbs of the larvae. The swimsuit should be washed before it is worn again. Treatment is symptomatic, with oral antihistamines or topical corticosteroids.

serum eruption

An eruption that occurs following the injection of serous fluid. It may be accompanied by chills, fever, and arthritic symptoms.


1. A skin rash. 2. The emergence of a tooth through the gum.


The process of a tooth breaking through the gum tissue to grow into place in the mouth.Mentioned in: Dental Trauma, Impacted Tooth


(ē-rŭpshŭn) 1. Passage of a tooth through the alveolar process and perforation of the gingiva. 2. A breaking out, especially the appearance of lesions on the skin. [L. e-rumpo, pp. -ruptus, to break out]

Patient discussion about eruption

Q. What is the cause of my head rash? I have a rash on my head. It is red and itchy, what could it be from? A. A head rash can be caused from lots of different things. I found a website that helps you diagnose it with charts:

Q. What do I do with this horrible Diaper Rash?? I have no idea what is up with my daughters diaper rash, she is a year old and I do everything to keep this rash from coming, but it comes back! All week I have let her run without a diaper on trying to let it air out as much as possible, (thank god for carpet shampooers).Is there any secret that someone has to getting rid of this rash? A. My own daughter was yeasty from whatever they do to newborns in the hospital and I battled it ever day until I started taking garlic gel tabs. Because I breasfed her she got all the benefits of it and her bottom cleared right up.
Probiotics can help, yogurt, kefir and the like. Super Salve from supersalve.com is amazing in its healing abilities. Avoid processed foods and especially sugars.

Q. Doyou know if the Plant Yarrow give a RASH? A. ThanksTerrany and Henry for your answers. I do need more information concerning skin contact with Yarrow.MRaye

More discussions about eruption


Related to eruption: Eruption of Teeth
  • noun

Synonyms for eruption

noun explosion


  • explosion
  • discharge
  • outburst
  • venting
  • ejection

noun flare-up


  • flare-up
  • outbreak
  • sally

noun inflammation


  • inflammation
  • outbreak
  • rash
  • flare-up

Synonyms for eruption

noun the act of emerging violently from limits or restraints


  • explosion
  • outbreak
  • outburst

noun a sudden violent expression, as of emotion


  • access
  • blowup
  • burst
  • explosion
  • fit
  • flare-up
  • gust
  • outbreak
  • outburst

Synonyms for eruption

noun the sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material


  • volcanic eruption

Related Words

  • discharge
  • Plinian eruption

noun symptom consisting of a breaking out and becoming visible

Related Words

  • eczema vaccinatum
  • Kaposi's varicelliform eruption
  • symptom
  • enanthem
  • enanthema
  • exanthem
  • exanthema
  • skin eruption
  • rash
  • roseola
  • skin rash
  • efflorescence

noun (of volcanos) pouring out fumes or lava (or a deposit so formed)


  • eructation
  • extravasation

Related Words

  • volcano
  • vent
  • activeness
  • activity
  • action

noun a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition)


  • outbreak
  • irruption

Related Words

  • happening
  • natural event
  • occurrence
  • occurrent
  • epidemic
  • recrudescence

noun a sudden very loud noise


  • clap
  • bam
  • bang
  • blast

Related Words

  • noise
  • water hammer

noun the emergence of a tooth as it breaks through the gum

Related Words

  • egress
  • emergence
  • issue




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