Elephant Round-Up

Elephant Round-Up

Third weekend in NovemberThe Elephant Round-Up is an internationally famous show of 200 or more trained elephants held annually in the provincial capital of Surin, Thailand. The Suay people of the area have traditionally captured and trained wild elephants to work in the northern Thailand teak forests. The Round-Up gives the trainers the opportunity to demonstrate their elephants' intelligence, strength, and obedience. A tug-of-war is staged where elephants are pitted against Thai soldiers. There are also log-pulling contests, a soccer game with two teams of elephants kicking a giant soccer ball, elephant basketball and other sports. A highlight is the spectacular array of elephants rigged out to reenact a medieval war parade. Besides the elephant demonstrations, there are cultural performances and folk dancing.
Tourism Authority of Thailand
611 N. Larchmont Blvd., 1st Fl.
Los Angeles, CA 90004
800-842-4526 or 323-461-9814; fax: 323-461-9834
BkHolWrld-1986, Nov 16
GdWrldFest-1985, p. 175