diagnostic radiology


(rā'dē-ol'ŏ-jē), 1. The science of high-energy radiation and of the sources and the chemical, physical, and biologic effects of such radiation; the term usually refers to the diagnosis and treatment of disease. 2. The scientific discipline of medical imaging using ionizing radiation, radionuclides, nuclear magnetic resonance, and ultrasound. Synonym(s): diagnostic radiology [radio- + G. logos, study]


(rā'dē-ol'ŏ-jē) 1. The science of high-energy radiation and of the sources and the chemical, physical, and biologic effects of such radiation; the term usually refers to the diagnosis and treatment of disease. 2. The scientific discipline of medical imaging using ionizing radiation, radionuclides, nuclear magnetic resonance, and ultrasound.
Synonym(s): diagnostic radiology.
[radio- + G. logos, study]


(rā'dē-ol'ŏ-jē) 1. Science of high-energy radiation and of sources and chemical, physical, and biologic effects of such radiation. 2. Scientific discipline of medical imaging.
Synonym(s): diagnostic radiology.
[radio- + G. logos, study]