Dmitrii Zakharevich Bakradze

Bakradze, Dmitrii Zakhar’evich


Born Oct. 26 (Nov. 7), 1826; died Feb. 10 (22), 1890. Georgian historian, ethnographer, and archaeologist. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Bakradze was a representative of the bourgeois-democratic trend in Georgian historiography. He was in charge of the work to collect sources on Georgian history. Upon his initiative a museum containing a rich collection of literary remains was set up in Tiflis. He participated in the editing of the five-volume Documents of the Caucasian Ar-chaeographic Commission and was one of the organizers of the fifth all-Russian Archaeological Congress (Tiflis, 1881). The most distinguished of his books include The Caucasus in Ancient Writings of Christianity (1875), and Archaeological Travels in Guriia and Adchara (1878).


Dumbadze, “M. Isttorikkosi Dimittri Bakhradze (tshovreba da moghvatseoba). Batumi, 1950.