Dmitrii Vladimirovich Zernov

Zernov, Dmitrii Vladimirovich


Born Mar. 7 (20), 1907, in Moscow; died Sept. 11, 1971, in Leningrad. Soviet electronics scientist. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1953).

After graduating from Moscow University in 1930, Zernov worked until 1934 at the Ail-Union Institute of Electrical Engineering. Between 1932 and 1938 he taught at the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers. From 1936 to 1939 he worked at the Scientific Research Institute of Cinematography and from 1939 to 1953, at the Automation and Telemechanics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In 1953 he joined the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Zernov built the first sodium vapor lamps in the USSR and was the first to study their luminous efficiency. Under his guidance a television system was developed with a large multicell receiver screen, for which he developed a multichannel electronbeam commutator. He studied and improved a number of electron-beam instruments of the commutator type. He also investigated the electron emissions of thin films of dielectrics. Zernov was awarded two orders and various medals.


“Elektricheskii razriad v parakh natriia kak istochnik sveta.”Z/mr-nal tekhnicheskoifiziki, 1933, vol. 3, issue 8.
“Novyi televizionnyi ekran iacheikovoi sistemy.” Kinofotokhimpromyshlennost’, 1938, no. 6. (With A. I. Parfent’ev.)


“Dmitrii Vladimirovich Zernov” (obituary). Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1971, no. 12.