Acronym | Definition |
DSDS➣Deutschland Sucht Den Superstar (German TV show) |
DSDS➣Direction de la Santé et du Développement Social (French: Directorate of Health and Social Development) |
DSDS➣Direction des Statistiques Démographiques et Sociales (French: Directorate of Demographic and Social Statistics) |
DSDS➣Disjoint-Set Data Structure |
DSDS➣Data Storage and Distribution System |
DSDS➣Delaware State Dental Society |
DSDS➣Defense Standard Disbursing System |
DSDS➣Dataphone Switched Digital Service |
DSDS➣Dual SIM (Subscriber Identification Module) Dual Standby (mobile phones) |
DSDS➣Data Systems Dynamic Simulator |
DSDS➣Deck Starboard Deck Switch |
DSDS➣Distressed Submarine Depressurization System |
DSDS➣Department of Senior and Disabilities Services |
DSDS➣Draft SHF DAMA Standard |