Acronym | Definition |
DCOM➣Distributed Component Object Model (Microsoft) |
DCOM➣Data Center Operations Manager (various organizations) |
DCOM➣Distributed Component Object Model |
DCOM➣Data Communications |
DCOM➣Digital Communications |
DCOM➣Disney Channel Original Movie |
DCOM➣District Committee on Ordained Ministry |
DCOM➣DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine (Harrogate, TN) |
DCOM➣Digital Communication (course title) |
DCOM➣Deputy Commander |
DCOM➣Division of Coastal and Ocean Management (Alaska) |
DCOM➣Doctor of Commerce |
DCOM➣District Committee on Ministry |
DCOM➣DuPree College of Management (Georgia Tech) |
DCOM➣Department of Command |