Fordyce disease

For·dyce spots

(fōr'dīs), a condition marked by the presence of numerous small, yellowish-white bodies or granules on the inner surface and vermilion border of the lips; histologically the lesions are ectopic sebaceous glands. Synonym(s): Fordyce disease, Fordyce granules

Fordyce disease

(1) Fordyce spots, see there. 
(2) Fox-Fordyce disease.

For·dyce spots

, Fordyce granules , Fordyce disease (fōr'dīs spots, gran'yūlz, di-zēz') A condition marked by the presence of numerous small, yellowish-white bodies or granules on the inner surface and vermilion border of the lips; histologically the lesions are ectopic sebaceous glands.


John Addison, U.S. dermatologist, 1858-1925. Fordyce angiokeratoma - asymptomatic vascular papules of the scrotum.Fordyce disease - Synonym(s): Fordyce spotsFordyce granules - Synonym(s): Fordyce spotsFordyce lesion - scrotal angiomas of no significance.Fordyce spots - a condition marked by the presence of numerous small, yellowish-white bodies or granules on the inner surface and vermilion border of the lips. Synonym(s): Fordyce disease; Fordyce granules; pseudocolloid of lipsFox-Fordyce disease - see under Fox, George Henry

For·dyce spots

, Fordyce granules , Fordyce disease (fōr'dīs spots, gran'yūlz, di-zēz') Condition marked by the presence of numerous small, yellowish-white bodies or granules on the inner surface and vermilion border of the lips and elsewhere.