释义 |
filk F5120650 (fĭlk)n. A genre of music popular among devotees of science fiction and fantasy literature, often involving original lyrics set to familiar melodies. [Alteration of folk, originally a typographical error in the title of a manuscript of the essay "The Influence of Science Fiction on Modern American Folk Music" by Lee Jacobs (died 1968), American writer of science-fiction fan fiction.] filk v.filk
filk/filk/ [SF fandom, where a typo for "folk" was adopted as anew word] A popular or folk song with lyrics revised orcompletely new lyrics, intended for humorous effect whenread, and/or to be sung late at night at SF conventions.There is a flourishing subgenre of these called "computerfilks", written by hackers and often containing rathersophisticated technical humour. See double bucky for anexample. Compare grilf, hing and newsfroup. |