Crime Fighting

Crime Fighting

See also Sleuthing.Batmandevotes his life to fighting Gotham City’s criminals. [Comics: Berger, 160]Canadian Mounties(Royal Canadian Mounted Police) corps which gained a romantic reputation for daring exploits and persistence in trailing criminals. [Can. Hist.: NCE, 2367]Dragnetradio show in which justice is always served. [Radio: Buxton, 73]Earp, Wyatt(1848–1929) law officer and gunfighter of American West. [Am. Hist.: NCE, 819]Kojakhard-boiled, Manhattan plainclothes detective. [TV: Ter-race, I, 445]Lone Rangerarch foe of criminals in early west. [Radio: “The Lone Ranger” in Buxton, 143–144; Comics: Horn, 460; TV: Terrace, II, 34–35]McGarrett, Steveimplacable nemesis of Hawaiian wrongdoers. [TV: “Hawaii Five-O” in Terrace, I, 342]Ness, EliotG-man successfully subdues Prohibition gangsters. [TV: “The Untouchables” in Terrace, II, 402–403]Peel, Sir Robert(1788–1850) reorganized British police; established Irish constabulary. [Br. Hist.: Flexner, 276]Purvis, Melvingunned down Dillinger outside Chicago theater (1934). [Am. Hist.: Wallechinsky, 464]Scotland YardCriminal Investigation Department of Metropolitan Police. [Br. Hist.: Brewer Dictionary, 97]Starsky and Hutchplainclothes L.A. detectives break cases and hearts. [TV: Terrace, II, 317]Supermaninvincible scourge of crime. [Comics: Horn, 642–643]Texas Rangers19th-century constabulary thwarting villains. [Am. Hist.: Brewer Dictionary, 1071]Tracy, Dickcomic book cop. [Comics: Horn, 206–207]