Dmitriiivanovich Vinogradov

Vinogradov, Dmitriiivanovich


Born 1720 (?); died Aug. 25 (Sept. 5), 1758, in St. Petersburg. Originator of Rus-sian porcelain.

In 1736, Vinogradov was sent abroad, where he studied chemistry, metallurgy, and mining. Upon his return to Russia in 1744, he was assigned to the “porcelain factory,” established by the Russian government (now the M. V. Lomonosov State Porcelain Factory). In 1752, Vinogradov obtained the first fully satisfactory samples of porcelain prepared from native raw materials.


Bezborodov, M. A. Dmitrii Ivanovich Vinogradovsozdatel’ russkogofarfora. Moscow-Leningrad, 1950.
Nikiforova, L. R. Sozdatel’ russkogo farfora. Leningrad, 1962.