cricopharyngeal achalasia

cricopharyngeal achalasia

functional obstruction at the level of the upper esophageal sphincter due to failure of relaxation of the cricopharyngeal muscle; often associated with a pharyngoesophageal diverticulum. Synonym(s): achalasia of the upper sphincter, hypertensive upper esophageal sphincter

cri·co·pha·ryn·ge·al a·cha·la·sia

(krī'kō-făr-in'jē-ăl ak-ă-lā'zē-ă) Functional obstruction at the level of the upper esophageal sphincter due to failure of relaxation of the cricopharyngeal muscles; often associated with a pharyngoesophageal diverticulum
Synonym(s): achalasia of the upper sphincter, hypertensive upper esophageal sphincter.

cricopharyngeal achalasia

Failure of the lower pharyngeal muscles to relax during swallowing. The condition may cause dysphagia or aspiration of food or gastric contents. See also: achalasia